Finding it tough to work out with little ones



  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    Thanks for all your responses...To all those who wake up in the mornings, WOW. I have attempted to wake up before everyone else. I am not a morning person AT ALL so it has been tough. I lack the motivation in the morning so I will give it a go...again lol.

    Working out at home with the kids is a struggle, one cries while the other wants to get picked up lol So my other solution is seeing about my gym child care. I have never left my kids with anyone other than family that;s why i have never done that yet, but I think that will be good for me and the kids..

    Thank again for all your advice and what you all do...this is giving me the motivation

    The first time is always the hardest, but it's only for 1-2 hours (depending on how long their limit is) and a healthy mom is a good thing for the kids. Go visit the daycare, talk to the people who work there and if it doesn't feel right, find another gym.

    Good luck! The ability to go to the gym during the day is a luxury that many of us dream about. Embrace it!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    I have a 3 year old and a 9 year old, and work part time (only 15 hours a week). On weekends when my hubbs is home during the day I make sure I take time for an intense workout. During the week I squeeze in workouts where I can, which is on my lunch break (quick 1.25 mile run) on the three days a week I work, and usually doing 30 Day Shred at some point in the day as well. My 3 year old thinks it's fun to do 30DS with me, and as long as he doesn't get in my way, it's ok. If he does get in the way, I will send him out of the room until I'm done, he doesn't like that, but he's just going to have to deal with it. My 9 year old son will go on walks with me. He's done a 6 mile one and 7 mile one, and several shorter ones as well.
    I'm sure it's harder with an infant, but it is doable. Don't get discouraged, do what you can, and take a nap when you need to! Especially if your little one isn't sleeping through the night yet :)
  • Agirard25
    Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
    I have two kids (4 1/2 & 1/1/2)-work full time-have a husband who travels for work. Both of my kids are up by 5:30 am-5::45 am at latest. I could always do a workout with my older daughter around--she counts, does some, ect. Even when she was little I could do it while she napped or was just able to "figure it out" a bit better than I have been able to with two. One is always awake and the younger just doesn't allow me to do an entire workout-even if it is short. Mornings don't work for me because I have to be up by like 4 am and that just isn't sustainable to me.

    I used to go to the gym after they went to bed. I got a treadmill off of craigslist for a fraction of what they really cost and now I go downstairs and get on it more days than not....I don't always have the energy-like last night-but if I can at least get on there for a half hour walk I usually end up on there for much longer and I end up running because I get bored walking. Consider buying a piece of equipment used for much less than they cost new--and just keep making yourself get on it!

    Honestly, I find the balancing act so difficult. The reward is that on the days that I workout I have SO MUCH more energy that I am better all around as a mom, an employee, a wife and a friend......
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    TOPIC: Finding it tough to work out with little ones

    Over head pressing with my boy is fun. He pretends to be spiderman, all upside down crawling on the ceiling.

    Am sure you could bench/squat/row with them too. :smile:
  • breezylou2
    breezylou2 Posts: 61 Member
    I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old at home. When they eat lunch, I exercise. If they are done before I am, they either watch me or they play with their blocks. My 2 year old daughter encourages me to exercise every day when she plays "Jillian". She does jumping jacks and pretends to do arm presses with her "weights". I love being a good example for them and I am able to get in an hour every day at home. If it is important enough, you will make time to do it.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Can you go to bed earlier and wake up before he leaves in the morning?

    Do you have a stroller to take walks/go for a jog with them durin the day?

    Can they go to the gym with you? Getting into a routine and maybe going everyday after breakfast worked for me when i was a stay at home mom.

    Even doing the JM video while the little one is sleeping in the afternoon. Your 3 year old could be something different. But it's such a short video :)

    Good luck, I know what you're going through!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Mybe the YMCA or a JCC may have a daycare...
    mybe you have a 10 year babysitter who can watch the kids while you work out.
  • cynlynn38
    cynlynn38 Posts: 7 Member
    The double stroller was my lifeline to exercise when my 2 youngest were still both home. I'd put them in and off we'd go for a nice, long, fast walk. (Plus, I'm sure pushing that much weight adds some resistance training!) Otherwise, no matter how tired I was, I would work out during their nap time. Even if it's only 20-30 minutes (a dvd or something you find online), it's something, and once you're done, then you can sneak in a quick nap! :-)
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    my gym has free daycare until 830pm on weeknights and my 3 year old LOVES it. Seriously, I have to drag her out of there.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    My daughter, who is 4, LOVES working out with Daddy. She has her own weights (1lbs) and gets into doing the workouts. Now, she does not do all of it (10 minutes at most) but the rest of the times she will sit and watch. Other times she will act as a "couch" counting out my reps...

    Get the kids involved! This is just another version of "playtime" for them.
  • VioletMom
    VioletMom Posts: 41 Member
    I am not a morning person either, so my compromise is to work out three days a week in the morning (usually 30 DS with the sound off), and try to get one or two workouts a week done in the evening.

    Could you get a up a few days a week, and on those days you get to nap when the kids do? I thought I would hate getting up to work out (I *live* for coffee:happy: ), but I after a few weeks I started to look forward to it, and it's nice to have my workout out of the way first thing.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    My babies are big now (OK 19 and 13!) but I work full time and my husband works shifts - and has the car for that, so I can't rely on having it. I work out for 20 mins in the morning before breakfast (DVD), walk to and from work, and take a walk at lunchtime. Then when I get home I do another 20-30 mins - sometimes with younger son. If you have a double buggy how about taking them for a long brisk walk - or walk slowly til the big one wants to get in the bugg y and THEN walk faster:smile: Especially effective up and down hills - my sister used to look after my youngest and she said to and fro from playgroup with a double buggy plus buggy board for her next youngest was how she got fit.

    As others have said, a dancey-type workout you can do while the baby is asleep might be a way forward.
  • does it have to be the gym ? you can get just a good workout by walking with them ,get the buggy and one of though's toddler trays that the 3 year old can stand on and walk it just as good and when you tone exercises involve them in it you can get a good toned arms and chest laying on your back and lifting your little ones up also your teaching them not to be slough potatoes and having fun at the same time .
  • weese17
    weese17 Posts: 236 Member
    Ah, this is a topic I am VERY familiar with. :) I am a SAHM to two kiddos - aged almost 4 and almost 2. I've been working out at home since the younger one was 6 weeks old. This is how I did it then:

    older kid - TV - you can do a pretty quick workout in 20 minutes, and that's as long as a Wiggles episode
    younger one - Ergo! I switched my high-impact cardio for lower stuff, and just held him securely as I bopped around.

    That, or double stroller + taking the dog for a walk.

    As they got older, the older kid STILL got a TV show, and I'd let the younger one pull clothes out of the dryer for 20 minutes. :D

    Now, both of them watch an episode of Clifford while I work out. Either that, or I turn them loose to play with water in the sink, which is safe since I'm in the same room.

    Essentially, the theme is distraction + VERY short, intense workouts done at home - high intensity interval training is your friend. I can do a killer workout in 18 minutes flat. I have a ton of free weights and kettlebells (up to 50 pounds), and I also now have a barbell & bench. I was a member of the Y, which has great childcare, but it was just such a production to get out of the house and over there, and the kids ended up being sick constantly thanks to being around a ton of other toddlers. It's a good option, though.

    You might want to try incorporating them as well, although I confess that I have basically had zero success with doing so. Their idea of "helping mommy" is to do things like try to cling to the barbell as I'm trying to bench. NOT a good idea! But there's a workout video on FitnessBlender that might do the trick --

    To be honest, I've found it EASIER to work out with the kids, because I know that I have a very narrow window of opportunity and that forces me to be disciplined.

    I hope all this helps!
  • weese17
    weese17 Posts: 236 Member
    The other thing is that you need to recalibrate your expectations. The days of spending an hour in the gym might just be gone for a while. You'll have that freedom eventually when they go to school, but for now, it's all about doing what you can, when you can, and being flexible. There have been days when I took my kids to the playground, put the younger one in the Ergo and let the older one play while I did squats/lunges/pushups right next to the equipment, or done a burpee in between pushes on the swing. There was a day when my older one needed mommy cuddles badly, so I put HER in the Ergo and did low-impact stuff. Best weight vest in the world - a wiggly 35-pound kid! :)

    The other thing is to set your kids' expectations. My older child needs a TON of mommy time and attention, and so really, the only thing I can do right now is buy her off with TV. When she interrupts me, I tell her - "Mommy is doing her workout -- it's very important to me to have a strong, healthy body. It helps me be a better mommy!" If that doesn't work, I explain that working out gives me the strength I need to carry her and her brother around, and that usually does the trick. ;) It's the truth, too - I can't count the number of times I have carried 65 pounds of child through the mall or in a parking lot for one reason or another! The Ergo is my bestest pal.

    Last, try visiting FitnessBlender or for ideas for short, intense workouts. Marianne Kane (at bases her workouts around kettlebells, but there are bodyweight ones there too, and many of the KB exercises can be adapted for dumbbells.

    good luck!
  • danarod23
    danarod23 Posts: 23 Member
    It is tough and takes lots of dedication. i think once I was in a routine then it became easier. Just find the right time of day that you can do it every day. That is key. If it is in the morning, then sleep in your workout clothes, get up and go get it done. If it's in the evening, then go straight to your room after work, change into workout clothes and get it done before dinner. Some people workout before bed. Just find what fits into your lifestyle the best and make it part of your routine and something you HAVE to do each day. I found Beachbody programs and really enjoy doing them. They work too! Message me if you are interested in more info on the programs and my success. I've lost 21lbs so far and 18 inches. Good luck!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I have a 3.5 y/o and a 2 yr old. I work Mon-Fri 0700-3:30. This is what I do. I put a baby gate at the top of the stairs, I put a movie on for them in their room (across the hall from mine) and I do the 30DS DVD in my room. I lock the door to the bathroom so they literally can only go in their room and my room. They mess with my weights from time to time and like to jump on the bed while I work out but I just try to ignore them or say "please wait I'm almost done. Mommy is exercising." When hubby is home (he is out of town sometimes for work during the week) I tell him "I'm going to workout, you have the kids" and he doesn't argue. That's my 30 minutes a day I get to myself, he has plenty of time when he gets home to watch TV or whatever he wants to do. On weekends I try to include them in my workout like taking a walk, going for a bike ride or a park or playing Just Dance 4 on the Wii (it's exercise, I swear!) I want to exercise in front of them so maybe they will come to see exercise as a part of life.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Can you swap babysitting with another mom who needs to get out of the house a couple days a week? Or even take your kids while you work out at home? Or strap him into his high chair/booster seat and workout while he has lunch or a snack, ARM him with crayons and paper.