Starting.. again!

Hi there! I joined this a few weeks ago but forgot about it until now. I've made it a bookmark so hopefully I won't forget this time! I'm 23 and need to lose about 2 stone. I've given myself 4/5 months to do this.. is this reasonable? I've joined Slimming World, and I've just statred on the NHS Couch To 5K podcasts, so hoping that will make a difference :) I have a track record at failing miserably at weightloss, so here's hoping this will finally be the time I stick to it! Does anyone else have a similar goal?


  • xomellyxo
    xomellyxo Posts: 32
    I do a mix of slimming world & calorie counting and have found, up until I stopped, it worked really well. Just eat loads and loads of the free & super free foods & slowly work your exercise up.
    My first week on slimming world I lost 5lbs and felt amazing! you'll do great :) x