Embarrassing questions



  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    I had the EXACT same thing for years and years. The "not going" part would get me so cramped I would miss school and work, then the "going" days would be so painful and time consuming (gross,I know but you probably feel the same!) that I would miss out on things, too. Basically, it sucked. BUT then I went gluten free, and I am almost completely free of any flare ups. Have you tried that yet? I was 22 and had 2 colonoscopies and and endoscopy, several types of meds, all with no success until changing my diet.

    My husband, as it turns out, has Crohns and Collitis, and changed from a GI to a naturalistic doctor who also took him off gluten (and a few other things) and he no longer has to take Humira for it, and feels better than when he was on the medication.

    Good luck!

    (oh, and to answer your original question- YES! I saw some big swings in my weight)

    Thank you for your reply.

    I actually have stage 3 kidney disease and take loads of different meds for Blood pressure, cholesterol and Iron and I have to be careful with the amount of salt and water in my diet. Also certain over the counter meds I cannot take either. I see a renal consultant every 3 months and my next appointment is in 3 weeks so I will definitely be asking him about what the ideas everyone has given me and run them by him.

    On one occasion I had planned to go out for the day with the kids and had to cancel as I had the most horrendous stomach cramps and was on the loo most the day almost in tears!