Hi Everyone! Need motivation and Friends!

CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
Well i am new here i just get told about this place and i think it well be a great thing to do for myself everyday.

I have been over weight for so log i am tired of it and i wish i was not so fat really. I don't always want to have to wear big clothes i have found here lately i have been wanting to wear skinny clothes and well i can't because of my weight i was walk through a resturant and when i past someone they said that they throw up 3 in there mouth and i was very upset that day and well i wat to run and hind because of it. But i know i have to face life not hide from it.


  • lindawalker599
    Hi there, I am new as well and I'd love to have a buddy to go thru this with Linda
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    That would be great. How are you doing tonight? add me if you like
  • lindawalker599
    I'm doing fine thank you...how do I add you?
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    give me a sec and i will figure it out. sorry about that i forgot we are both new
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    i added you now you just have to click the persons name and click add friend
  • lindawalker599
    I think I did it....Well I'll know for sure tomorrow...gotta go hit the sack. Have a nice night and we'll chat again I'm sure!!
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Good Night Sleep Well
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    I'll add you - the friends feature on this site is GREAT. It really helps keep me going!
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Cinthia

    I'd like to add you as a friend too.
    I have an idea of how you felt when that comment was made because I had a group of old guys cut me down as I was walking past thier table when I was just 9. They said I was "a little piggy ready for market" then they all laughed. Talk about pain that doesn't go away easily.
    It has been many years and diets since then but I found one I know is going to work. I know from my own experiance that being here has helped since I have to log my foods. I just got over a stall by finding out that I was eating too many nuts.

    Your coming here is a first step in the right direction and I hope that I can be there to cheer you along..

    May the willpower be with you.
  • geri1geraldinesuzanne
    geri1geraldinesuzanne Posts: 125 Member
    i also started a short time ago, and i know how you feel, i was recently working in a clothes shop for a few months, and in more than one occasion, when people asked me for sizes and wanted to compare they would say things like "oh i need something for a gift, for a girl about your age, but not as fat as you!' the nerve of some people. Although i'm really doing this for myself, as I've really let myself go over the last few years; ¡at least i won't look like an abomination to people!
    Good luck with you weight loss

    Geripink, 36
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Ugh. People make me so mad. We teach children in elementary school not to make comments like that but look how adults act. The food logging is really helpful. I particularly like that you can add exercise cals to your daily total. I'd never heard of that before but it works. If you have a pair of skinny pants you want to fit into, just leave it out. I did that and will never forget the day that I fit into them. I was on top of the world. You can do it. Just don't ever give up. Do it for your health and your self-confidence and I'm sure you'll do great.
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    A support system is the Best way to help you reach your goals. You've made the first step and that is Awesome. Now, we have to get your head in the right place. First, you must begin the realize that you are a beautiful person, no matter your size. Second, you are making this life-change because you want to be healthier, happier, more confident, and live longer (and a smaller size certainly is a bonus). Now, today is the first day of the rest of your life. There will always be mean and ignorant people is this world, the thing we have to remember is if they were happy with their own lives- they'd have no reason to put others down... it's NOT YOU, it's them!! I began my weight loss journey 2 years ago at 232 pounds and I am now 159 pounds, I went from a size XL (didn't even buy # sizes) to a size 9. I am a full-time Mommy, Wife, daughter (my Dad lives with us since my Momma passed away), a Full-time student and do baking and candy making on the side for extra money, so life is pretty darned busy, but I found I Had to make time for myself and my health or I was just going to continue to be fat and miserable (I fail to see where the saying "Fat and Happy" came from) and a Happy and Healthier Mommy/Wife = a Happier and Healthier Family. My point... it's Not an over-night success, sometimes you have to start with babysteps. Each day you exercise you will feel better and better til you get to the point that you WANT to exercise, I am actually grouchy on days I can't atleast get a walk in. Each day you choose healthy food you body will feel it, junk food will no longer be "comforting" it will actually make you feel unhealthy and sluggish. Take each day one day at a time. Set mini goals for yourself and each one you achieve, BE PROUD OS YOURSELF. If you don't have a great eating day, do NOT give up, do NOT beat yourself up, lift up that chin, hold your head high and just do better the next day, even throw in a little extra exercise the next day and give yourself a pat on the back!! You Can Do It because YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! All my best wishes as you begin this journey, LOVE YOUSELF and the WORLD holds NO BOUNDARIES!
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Thank you Everyone sorry i left last night with out notice i just thought that one was going to relpy til today
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Glad to have you here Cindi :) I have had many times where someone has given the look of 'Wow, should she really be eating THAT??' or the comments under their breath, I know it's hard. Push through their ignorance, you know as well as I do how truly wonderful you are. xoxo Bru
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    thank you soo much i Bru i looked at some of the food i eat last night and as you said i said WOW that is alot of carbs in those things me and you were talking about. and the debbie are alot more
  • medrewiske
    medrewiske Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, everyone needs support and encouragement, and that is part of the reason we are all here.
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Hi How are you doing this afternoon?
  • debbecake
    debbecake Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I've been using this site for a couple months off and on but haven't actually talked to anyone on it. I had been working out and working out but not seeing the results I wanted until using this site and counting my calories. WHEN I use it, I can drop 2 lbs a week easy. Just keep logging in because it really does help to keep you accountable. I'm less likely to eat that junk when I can see it will put me over on my calories. I'm the only one in my house of 4 trying desperately to lose weight and it's very hard when they want junk to deny myself. Just do it for yourself. You can do it!
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Hi! I've been using this site for a couple months off and on but haven't actually talked to anyone on it. I had been working out and working out but not seeing the results I wanted until using this site and counting my calories. WHEN I use it, I can drop 2 lbs a week easy. Just keep logging in because it really does help to keep you accountable. I'm less likely to eat that junk when I can see it will put me over on my calories. I'm the only one in my house of 4 trying desperately to lose weight and it's very hard when they want junk to deny myself. Just do it for yourself. You can do it!

    Yes i understand that too. I am in a house that likes Carbs. Only one person that does not like them is my mom and that is because she is diabetic. I am very bad about eating a lot of junk food like candy and cookies and sweets of all kinds. i just really love sweets a lot and it is really hard for me right now to not eat them. I just love them
  • Bells2006
    Hi guys! I'm new here! DEFINATELY need some motivation/friends!!! I signed up about a month ago but am now ready to get my butt moving!!! It's hard buying healthy foods and trying to eat healthy when my hubby isn't into it. I'm hoping once he sees me REALLY getting into it he'll join me and it'll get easier! Until then, all the support i can get will help! Thanks!! :D