Is there a point to lift weights at this weight?

I just found a free program on and it is 12 weeks. It involves lifting and cardio. I feel embarrassed doing the weights so I have always skipped them. I noticed on Biggest Loser that Danni has lost weight and toned up. I was wondering if any of you lift weights and have you seen results. I am a big girl and didn't know if it would do me any good or not to lift weights right now?


  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    There are four basic components of fitness:
    1. Muscular Strength
    2. Muscular Endurance
    3. Cardiovascular fitness
    4. Flexibility/mobility

    A program which address all would be ideal. IMHO, you should not skip resistance training. Don't be embarassed. Eveyone started somewhere.

    Good luck!
  • lttappenn
    lttappenn Posts: 40 Member
    I think it would be great for you to start lifting asap. Muscle makes you stronger and healthier. The more muscle mass you have the more calories your body has to use to maintain it, so you have a greater advantage for fat loss. Plus, it makes you feel great!
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks.... I just wish I had a home gym. I hate hate hate going to the gym and trying to lift weights. I feel like everyone is starring at me..... I am going to give it a try and see if it will help my weight loss. I have to do something I can't stand being this way anymore.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Trust me; pretty much everyone feels that way when they start lifting, and pretty much nobody is ever really staring at you because they're all too busy staring at themselves. Don't stand between them and the mirrors, and you'll be fine.

    Step 1 is make a plan - looks like you got that covered, so you're already ahead of the game. Make sure you go over what all the exercises are and how to do them right before you go in. Step 2 is to go in and do it. Headphones help. Then walk in there like you own the place, 'cause you kind of do. (Or at least you're renting a part of it for the time you're there, which is close enough.)

    The phsyical and mental benefits really are worth it. Good luck!
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    At last check i was in the high 290"s and i started strength training am only 2 weeks in but can already notice the lifting is easier. I also started strength training after my 1st week of my new eating habits, i joined a quiet gym that i felt comfortable in so if you have options look around.
    Basically my point is give it a go, always feel a sense of accomplishment after.xx
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    You should definitely include strength training! As someone else said, muscle mass = calorie burn- maintains longer than just doing cardio alone.

    I understand about not being comfortable at the gym- I'm a bigger girl too, and was absolutely terrified of that weight area of the gym. But I hired a trainer (I know, not an option for everyone), and I slowly learned to get over my fears of what I looked like. People are going to judge you (sad, but true), but in the end, who cares?!? You're there for yourself and to become healthy!

    Stand strong, and make the effort, because maybe people are actually saying- "good for her, working on getting in shape!" At least, that's what I tell myself that people are saying about me if I feel them "staring" !! :laugh: Just remember- most people at gyms are a little vain, and spend most of their time concerned about what THEY look like, not you. :tongue:

    I will tell you that I absolutely LOVE strength training. I love being able to do strong lifts now, and am seeing muscle definition, and it's really fulfilling (I'm still waiting on all the fat to melt away, but still!) !! Just learn good form, start light, and go for it! You could also try body resistance exercises at home before hitting the gym- things like push ups, dips using a chair, etc. or buy some hand weights at first- may help start to build your strength up in the beginning.

    Good luck, and I say go for it!!
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks yall. This battle has gone on for too long. I have been fat since birth, I know no other life. I hope this will change things. If I can run on a treadmill in front of others I can life weights....
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Lifting will help you preserve muscle while you lose fat. It's much easier to keep your muscle while you eat at a deficit than it is to build muscle back up once you've lost it.

    I started lifting about a month ago and I'm hooked-- I personally find it really empowering, especially as a person with disabilities.
  • reree6898
    reree6898 Posts: 42 Member
    Instead of doing the free weights I do the circuit in my gym and each of the weight machines are set up in an outward facing circle so no one is really staring at one another. The weights make a huge difference and will help you see inches drop off your measurements. Oh and as for being a big girl, I started at almost 370 doing the weights and treadmill and I am down about 87lbs. now since May. Good luck to you!
  • mhrenaud
    mhrenaud Posts: 2 Member
    go to this website read and see if it applies. this is a 12 step program about food and it works, provides supports from others, gives you the disiplines needed for you to succeed. There are meetings everywhere look at the website and find a meeting close to you. i cost nothing to join or participate. this is the best deal in town. Good luck
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    There is nothing more beneficial aside from eating healthy that you can do to start burning fat than to lift weights and build muscle. Cardio is beneficial to your health as well but will not burn fat very effectively. That's why they focus so much on weight training on the Biggest Loser. Muscle burns fat. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. Last night on the show they said Danni had gained 19 lbs of muscle and you can see it in her. She looks better than any other contestant, by far!
    Eat your calories in a balanced diet (don't try to starve yourself into losing lbs.), lift weights and get the cardio in also. You WILL lose weight as long as you continue with that recipe.
  • Kathymomof4
    find a gym that offers classes such as resistance training. we use a lot of kettlebells in our classes and we are all toning and we are all different ages and sizes. :wink:
  • eowynmn
    eowynmn Posts: 165 Member
    Yes I'm doing it. My butt looks better, I have more strenght, more endurance, and I'm losing weight consistantly every week. It's worth it.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :heart: In the beginning I would not have DREAMED of Resistance or Strength Training as part of my Program. I sort of 'Fell Into' it by accident and I am FOREVER Grateful that I did!! I CANNOT Imagine skipping Strength Training now!
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    you can lift weights at any size
    as a matter of fact, i would recommend lifting while losing. the more muscle you gain, the easier it is to burn fat.
    Also, while dieting and weight training, you'll tone up better and won't have a lot of looseness that you generally see with ppl who diet only.

    Go for it, don't be afraid. Gotta start somewhere!!! :wink:
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    I use some adjustable dumbbells and a stability ball for a bench, works really well it was a bit of a down payment but cheaper than a gym membership. just like coltsman said (although SAINTS for life) more muscle= higher resting metabolic rate= more cal burned each day(doing nothing)= faster weight loss, goodluck
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Everything else aside, PLEASE do not base what you do around what you see on Biggest Loser. Those people train for 8 hours a day and are under highly medically supervised diets. There is NOTHING realistic about reality shows, but this one really takes it!
  • that_Va_chick
    Dont be ashamed. I weigh 250 and I be at my gym bench pressing and everything..
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I just found a free program on and it is 12 weeks. It involves lifting and cardio. I feel embarrassed doing the weights so I have always skipped them. I noticed on Biggest Loser that Danni has lost weight and toned up. I was wondering if any of you lift weights and have you seen results. I am a big girl and didn't know if it would do me any good or not to lift weights right now?

    If you want to do weights...go for it!! Exercise is never a waste of time.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I didn't have to read anything after the title to tell you the answer is yes. It's good for your bones as well as your muscles. I started weights at 190 pounds and I wish I'd started sooner. The 15 pounds I've lost since then looks like twice that because of body composition changes. Plus, once you get into it, it's really fun. I'm psyched this week because I maxed out the leg press (310 pounds) on a set of 10 reps. My legs look awesome! I still do tons of cardio, but a mix is good.