
I'm considering trying a vegan diet for health/athletic performance reasons - I'm a distance runner and competitive triathlete. I'm currently eating at a 20% deficit for my TDEE (2,105) because I'd like to drop about 15-20 pounds. Between training and teaching dance, I'm active 5-6 days per week.

As my diet currently stands, I try to eat as few processed foods as possible, and do not eat much meat. I've already switched to almond milk but know I am going to have a hard time giving up dairy, specifically Greek yogurt and cheese.

I live in a rural area, so access to vegan products, like cheese and yogurt substitutes, are not readily available. Also, my husband and I have had conversations about it but I'm not sure he's too keen on it - he does not want to eat separate meals, which I understand. His mother is a serial dieter and always ate a different meal than the rest of his family.

I'd like to hear feedback from MFPers who have switched to a vegan diet.