Non wokout days = binging. How do I stop??

On days I workout, I eat very healthy. I count calories, get lots of protein, and eat a variety of foods that I love and I feel great. I am not even interested in eating junk food, that I typically love. I work out 4-5 days a week. On days I do not work out (today), I find myself constantly munching and eatting poorly. For example, I had a few handfuls of Sour cream and onion chips and a piece of chocolate for snack and I felt gross after. I feel like I'm undoing everthing I've done on my good days.

Any suggestions to help get my mind off the crap food that I love so much on days I don't work out?



  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    First.. Get that bad food out of your house, out of sight out of mind..
    Second- Chew gum. That seems to help me keep my mind off wanting to eat.
    Third.. have cut up celery or fruit laying around so you are more likely to grab those instead of chips.
    Fourth.. why have a non workout day.. Every day you should do some sort of workout and that could be as little as walking around the block.
  • weatheredcheese
    weatheredcheese Posts: 112 Member
    I am not as consistent as haileydawnb due to having a child and being unable to workout daily, but in regards to the binging we have just stopped buying it, if I fell the need for anything bad I make myself earn it, this means I only get something if I work out.

    So on my non work out days I tend to try and keep myself busy with other things, wether it be house work or taking myself out of the house and going for a walk, making it a more relaxed work out day, but not enough for me to justify having anything.

    As I have found it, part of the losing weight process is training your mind not to continuosly wanting to bing, its ok to have chips and dips but limit yourself, really make it feel like a treat.

    I have gone from wanting a whole chocolate bar like a Twix (other chocolate bars are avaliable) and on a really good workout day may treat myself to one square of chocolate or a child's Freddo. This has helped me get though as I really struggled to cut out the junk completely.