Women 50+, Now that we've lost weight...

eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
How the heck should we dress? I"m in the process of buying a new wardrobe, for a body I've not had in years. I can fit cute fashionable clothes, instead of more matronly styles. However... fashion has me confused. Exactly what is "age appropriate?" Yet still a little sexy, and stylish.

Young women, and men of all ages feel free to comment.


  • ericmessier
    ericmessier Posts: 235 Member
    Dress how you want to dress. Who cares what other people think and if it's in style or not? DO YOU
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Well Eric you obviously missed the point. The point is, I don't know how I want to dress. I don't see how that inspires a lecture from someone who does not know me. Or understand women.
  • ericmessier
    ericmessier Posts: 235 Member
    Well Eric you obviously missed the point. The point is, I don't know how I want to dress. I don't see how that inspires a lecture from someone who does not know me. Or understand women.

    Lecture? Y u mad tho?
  • donthegeek
    donthegeek Posts: 58 Member
    Since you asked:

    Underwear belongs under your clothes. Outside of that, be comfortable and be happy. I have a very dear friend that went through life till her mid 40s wearing conservative clothing. Now she wears what she likes in the displays and is so much happier.

    To expand on that I looked around the office at the women here and this is what the stylish ladies are wearing:
    1. Khakis
    2. Sweaters that are almost snug but not quite
    3. Pony tails (I love pony tails)
    4. Those dresses that fold around you (never sure how they stay closed)
    5. Most of the shirts have some form of V neck but not all
    6. I didn't see anyone that reminds me of my mom or grandmother today
    7. Happy colors, pastels and such. Of course my wife bought me the light purple shirt I'm wearing so my color sense could be off.

    Go for it and tell us all about it :smile:

  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    Try things on, if they look good, keep them. If they don't , get rid of them. You will learn what is right for you very quickly. Taking a brutally honest friend along when shopping will also help. Don't trust the sales ladies as their business is to make a buck.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Thanks! Very helpful Don and Danni.