Why do people weigh themselves so much?



  • choosingsara
    choosingsara Posts: 98 Member
    I don't get it. I don't want to see the flucuations. They drive me crazy. Also, I would never weigh myself immediately after a bad day of eating. Why would you want to see a gain????? Your body has to have time to adjust. Maybe it's motivation for others but it seems insane to me.

    What's insane to you is cool to someone else! I'm a data and science nerd. Love it. The fluctuations don't bother me. It's fun for me to look back and see the trends and learn how my body responds to food, exercise, sleep, stress, tom... everything. I'm like a giant science experiment! As far as seeing a gain, I know it's not a fat gain, knowledge is power!
  • been285
    been285 Posts: 99 Member
    I cannot walk past the scale,,,, It is in control,,, and it laughs at me. One day I will resist ,,, maybe tomorrow !
  • johnnygizmo
    johnnygizmo Posts: 59 Member
    I agree with many people here. Weighing each morning keeps me focused, I have a long way still to go and I want to harness all the drive and focus I can to keep me committed.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I weight daily because I'm a numbers freak.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    I like to because I'm always amazed that I gain three lbs from morning to night.
  • Monkey_2013
    Monkey_2013 Posts: 19 Member
    I cannot walk past the scale,,,, It is in control,,, and it laughs at me. One day I will resist ,,, maybe tomorrow !

    Same here!
  • melsy78
    melsy78 Posts: 65
    I cannot walk past the scale,,,, It is in control,,, and it laughs at me. One day I will resist ,,, maybe tomorrow !

    I had to put the scales in the children's bathroom so I actually have to go out of my way to go in and weigh myself.
    I get that other people use the daily weight for data gathering but for me it is a semi-obsessive thing so I am only weighing once a week now.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. At first it was more of a daily reminder that I'm trying to lose weight. Now it is more for data collection. I have an Excel spreadsheet where I plug in all the numbers (calories, macro breakdown, weight, etc...), it is really interesting to observe the trends in the data. I don't have too much of a fluctuation on a daily basis, I lose for 3-4 days in a row then maintain for 3-4 days in a row. Not sure why my body does that but it does and it's really interesting to me to see that.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I weigh daily in order to have enough data points to truly get a good estimate of where I am. Plus, I'm currently losing very slowly @ roughly 1/2 Lb per week...I need those data points to give me a more accurate picture of where I am. Natural weight fluctuations don't bother me...I understand them and understand what they are, so they just don't bother me.
  • omaisilver
    In the beginning, when the weight comes off steadily, weighing daily helps me stay motivated. I like to avoid problems rather than face them, and the scale keeps me motivated. I won't die if I don't step on it every day (my mother weighs herself religiously every morning, and often complains about how she gained a pound from one day to another when she eats next to nothing and exercises like crazy), but I like to weigh a couple times a week. I need to see progress in order to stay motivated, or else I fall off the wagon.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    About a year ago, I weighed myself obsessively, every day, multiple times a day. When i began to have an emotional response to the number and it began to "make or break" my day, I stopped. I would only weigh every once in a while to see where I was.

    When I began to change my eating habits and exercise in earnest (around December last year) I began to weigh every day again. I, like many of my fellow nerds, love to see the fluctuations so that I can accurately track/monitor my progress.

    For example, I know that when Aunt Flo visits, my weight will jump 4-10 pounds in either direction for the first 2 days. by the 3 and final day, it will be within 2lbs of what I started with. By day 5, I'm back into measurable range.
    After a night of chips and soda, my weight will be up. After a water overload (after days of sodium) I will be down 4-5lbs. I don't count that as a true loss because I know its just my body releasing retained water. The only way I'm able to say this is because i weigh every day.
    When I have a "pig out" night. I weigh myself in the morning to "see the damage". i know it won't stick (not from one day of eating terribly) but it shows me where my weight WILL go if I continue to eat terribly.

    It helps me alot and keeps me accountable. I know that my weight will fluctuate, but if I see a downward trend, I am happy. I only log a weight if it stays there longer than 3 days...I have another app that I track my weight every single day and I add notes so that I can compare for any crazy fluctuations...
    weighing everyday is not for everyone as it can be damaging to your motivation/ego/weight loss journey. We are our own worst enemies and the voices in our head are our worst critics. If your scale ruins your day, throw it out and get a tape measure.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    when im losing, i only weigh about once a month. i used to weigh daily and i liked seeing the numbers go down every day but i was way too hard on myself if they went up.
    now that im pregnant, i weigh once a week, mostly because thats how often my dr appointments are now, but after the baby is born ill be going back to monthly
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    Add me to the data freak camp. However, I used to weigh myself a couple of times per day. I eventually discovered that I "lose" two to eight pounds when I sleep. I still don't entirely understand what all is going on to cause that. Some combination of exhaling water vapor and emitting heat I guess. The existence of this mysterious biological situation drove me crazy and I eventually decided once per day was enough.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    For me - accountability (and having lost 183 pounds so far it has worked! lol)
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    obsession to be perfect
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I don't get it. I don't want to see the flucuations. They drive me crazy. Also, I would never weigh myself immediately after a bad day of eating. Why would you want to see a gain????? Your body has to have time to adjust. Maybe it's motivation for others but it seems insane to me.

    Why are you so concerned at what others do? Live your life & let them live theirs

    I weigh every morning, just to check
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    ignorance is bliss.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Since someone hared the existence of the Libra app the other day, I now weigh myself daily just so I can input a new number. It excites me!

    edit: Seriously, I get up, pee, get naked, weigh myself, and login to the app and update, lol :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Scale fluctuations don't bother me and I like knowing what my weight is every day. I also take my temperature pretty often when I'm running a fever. :)

    I almost always weigh myself before and after a run, too. It lets me know how much water I've lost and therefore how much extra water I need to drink that day.
  • kaperlinger
    kaperlinger Posts: 66 Member
    Accountability. I only track the number once every week, but weighing every day lets me know if I'm moving in the right direction. If I don't like what I see I know I need to be extra strict with my diet and push a little harder at the gym. I will admit I've become a tad bit obsessive over the scale, but it's working for me so I don't feel the need to change anything at this point.