Insanity or P90X

I'm really having trouble deciding which system to go with. I've heard so many great things about both. I'm in a position now where I don't have a whole lot more weight to loose.. maybe 20lbs at the absolute most. I just need to start toning at this point.

Suggestions anyone?


  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    If you're looking to "tone" as in not gain much muscle but lose fat, you'll probably enjoy Insanity more.

    I'm on round 2 of P90X. I have gained some muscle with a visible increase in size, especially in my arms, and lost about 2% body fat.

    They're both great programs. It really depends on what you enjoy. P90X is a lot of lifting mixed with moderate cardio and flexibility. Insanity is heavy in the plyometrics and will really get your HR up.

    My dodgy knees won't let me do Insanity :grumble:
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    A program based entirely around cardio and a program based primarily around strength training are going to do two completely different things to your body. I suggest you figure out the differences between cardio over strength training vs. strength training over cardio and figure out which one suits your goals better. And to be perfectly honest if you're not willing to educate yourself on these matters you probably shouldn't be doing any program that labels itself as being "for advanced users" like these do.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    I did Insanity and lost 21 pounds, but it really took a toll on my knees. Plus I had a lot to lose in the first place. It is a lot of cardio with some body weight resistance exercises thrown in, but mainly cardio. It did wonders for my endurance.

    I'm doing P90X right now (the classic version), and since I'm eating at a deficit I won't gain any muscle mass. I am getting stronger and I can see more muscle definition, but what's happening is that the fat that was covering them is going away - so I'm losing more fat than muscle, which is exactly what I want to happen. The amount of pounds lost may be lower in the end, but I have a certain look I'm trying to accomplish.

    P90x does have cardio, even more if you're doing the lean version, but doesn't come anywhere near to the amount of cardio Insanity has.

    You most likely won't gain any muscle on P90x unless you're eating more than your maintenance calories.

    In the end it depends on what you like. I found out that I enjoy lifting weights better. P90x is simply an alternative right now as driving to the gym eats up too much of my time.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Have you looked at Chalean Extreme.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Insanity Insanity Insanity Insanity...oh yeah, did I mention Insanity?
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    Insanity was really bad on my knees when I did it a year or so ago. If your knees can take it, you'll lose faster with Insanity. I'd go with P90x myself though. You'll get the weight loss cardio and strength training.
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    I did P90X 1st and loved it. I got a little bored with Insanity because it's all cardio, so I did a P90X/Insanity hybrid. It makes it so I can continue to mix things up. It's an expensive way to go but if you have both programs, that would be my suggestion.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    I have not done P90X because I find the guy in the video annoying

    but I am currently doing Insanity and I love it!! it is HIIT so you will burn calories but there are also "resistance" training videos too that will help tone as you shed pounds or inches. I am on week 3 and I can tell a difference in my ability to do certain moves and my stamina.
    LOVE Insanity....actually look forward to it everyday!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I've done both.

    On P90X, I got stronger and leaner and improved my flexibility and cardiovascular endurance.

    On Insanity, I got weaker and leaner, nothing happened one or the other with flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance skyrocketed.

    After P90X, I saw visible ab definition and could do multiple unassisted pull-ups. After Insanity (which I did after P90X), I was lean and could see *some* definition, but had become too weak and unable to do pull-ups and had to go back to inverted rows and assisted pull-ups and build up strength again because for 60 days, I didn't use those lats like I should have been.

    The Insanity "resistance" videos are still CARDIO and use just bodyweight. Not that there's anything inherently "wrong" with that, but using them to make your muscles pop is futile.

    IMHO, a good program is one that incorporates all aspects of physical fitness including weight training, cardio, flexibility training, and a decent diet. P90X does this.'s just cardio, cardio, cardio, and more cardio. And people get injured doing HIIT everyday of their lives. In fact, I screwed up a knee doing month 2 of Insanity which I still feel while I am in the gym doing deadlifts and squats.

    I actually got the best results all around on my third attempt...I did P90X classic while taking out Kenpo X and replacing it with an Insanity video. :flowerforyou:

    On the other hand, a gym membership can be cheaper than either program and you can tailor a program to fit your personal goals according to your current strengths and weaknesses. This is what I prefer and advocate since I have done ALL of the above. :drinker:
  • lilval10
    lilval10 Posts: 1
    It is a tough decision as both of these are good programs. I've done multiple rounds of both of them, and I am always satisfied with the results I get. They both have helped me to shed the fat and get toned.
    If you wanted to try both, they do have hybrid programs that incorporate videos from both. You can access the schedule on the beachbody website. If you have an account, you can go to the Get Fit tab and go to Fitness worksheets. I always like the hybrids as they change things up a bit and I don't get bored with one program. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member

    Yep! I enjoy his ticker on a daily basis! :embarassed: