Important Question of the Day

Do you weigh yourself BEFORE or AFTER you exercise? I realize that after I exercise, I'm sweaty, etc. If I weigh before I will be less, but I'm just curious if this is what everyone else does. Thanks in advance!


  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I weigh first thing in the morning after urinating, in my underwear. I don't bother to weigh any other time, unless forced to like at a doctor's office.
  • kawade80
    kawade80 Posts: 44
    I always weigh first thing in the morning.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I weigh in first thing Monday morning. The only thing I do before I step on the scale is go to the bathroom.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I weigh officially once a week, Thursdays, as soon as I wake up, but after I've peed or gone number 2 if possible, and always naked. It's the most accurate way to weigh. Any clothes adds extra weight, plus water weight in your bladder or in your bowels and whatnot.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    I see what you're getting at but the sweat comes from inside you, it's not condensation so it wont make you weigh more. In fact, just for the heck of it I weigh myself every once in a while right after a good run and I actually drop weight. I think this is due to sweat and water lost. I could be wrong. If you are weighing in, I would just pick a day and do it the same time of day the same day each week once a week.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I weigh right in the morning after using the toilet :smile:
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I see what you're getting at but the sweat comes from inside you, it's not condensation so it wont make you weigh more. In fact, just for the heck of it I weigh myself every once in a while right after a good run and I actually drop weight. I think this is due to sweat and water lost. I could be wrong. If you are weighing in, I would just pick a day and do it the same time of day the same day each week once a week.

    You do lose weight when sweating vigorously unless you are rehydrating during the activity. I know it's common amongst cyclists to weigh themselves before a ride then after to make sure they know how much water to drink.
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    If you weigh less after a work out its through dehydration. They say for every pound you are down you need to hydrate by a litre. I'm always up after a workout, I tested this yesterday and I put on about 4 pounds within the hour! I'm not sure why you would weigh more but I'm guessing I am retaining fluid (and I drink about 1.5 litres during my workout).
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I also find I am up after a workout but I think it is because I drink a lot of water when I workout.

    I usually weigh myself Thursday nights before bed, nude. I do it before bed because I figure it would be the worst case scenario since I would have finished eating for the day. I'm not sure if that is really true or not though. I have never really tested weighing myself at various times of the day to see when I am the lightest or heaviest.