Weight watchers, good or not?

Hey, well I'm just doing some research regarding weight watchers,
If anyone has tried weight watchers let me know how you got on with it and if it worked with you or not?
Thank you


  • IliN82
    IliN82 Posts: 108
    I thought about doing it but converting everything to points sounded complicated. And also why pay for something if you can get mfp for free?!
  • RobinsonDawn
    RobinsonDawn Posts: 40 Member
    True but I do like the idea of the meetings which unfortunately mfp doesn't offer :)
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    I think you learn a lot about food from Weight Watchers.
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    I thought about doing it but converting everything to points sounded complicated. And also why pay for something if you can get mfp for free?!

    Yeah this is for me too. I did Herbal Magic with sucess--and then failure. You want a meeting? Join a group and meet together (online) for weigh ins once a week and share recipes and tips!
  • webutmirrortheworld
    webutmirrortheworld Posts: 52 Member
    I think that they go for too much of a calorie cut right off the back. I was always hungry on WW. Following my calories on MFP is easier, and I'm not hungry all of the time.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    MFP is free and whilst there are no meetings like with WW, one hour a week is never enough for support. On MFP if you build up a good friends list from around the world, you have 24/7 support and encouragement.

    With MFP you learn the real calorific value of food. With WW you use points, which is like using fake money and doesn't equip you for making good choices in the future.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    True but I do like the idea of the meetings which unfortunately mfp doesn't offer :)

    IF you do the meetings AND you get a good leader then I'd say WW can be worth it. If you plan to just do online, then MFP is better. I was doing good on WW when I went to meetings and I loved my leader. Then my schedule changed and I couldn't go to meetings and I did the online w/no success. Quit for a while. Gained all the weight back - went back to the online WW - didn't lose a single pound. Now I'm here and back losing and very happy. I don't think I'd ever go back to WW just because I'm doing well here, but I did really like the meetings with the leader I liked. I went to a few other meetings though w/other leaders and it just wasn't the same - so really the leader can make all the difference. If you do join, and you have the option, I'd suggest trying a few meetings w/different leaders before choosing the one you attend.
  • genthehen78
    genthehen78 Posts: 10 Member
    If you are in the UK I would suggest you go to Slimming World rather than weight Watchers if you want to go to a meeting. SW consultants are trained towards the psychological reasons behind how and what you eat. The plan is easy to follow and the meetings are much friendlier. You get a chance to talk to the consultant and get lots of recipe ideas etc. Having said that Ionly went to WW once for 4 weeks, the consultant was awful and I hated the diet. I was really hungry. You may well have a very different experience! Good Luck which ever you choose.
  • saralayne42
    saralayne42 Posts: 27 Member
    I lost 70 pounds with WW. It taught me how to eat properly because they stress the importance of eating fruits, veggies, lean protein, healthy fats, etc. It absolutely equips you for making good choices in the future.The meetings were fantastic and I always came away with a new recipe or idea.
    What's important is finding a program that works for you. If meeting people (real, in person people) once a week sounds like it will keep you motivated and on track, then by all means do it!

    The only reason I'm not currently on WW is purely monetary. After baby came I needed to streamline finances and cut where ever I could. I learned how to eat, how to listen to my body and the importance of being gentle with yourself - all from Weight Watchers.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    have you considered TOPS ? you would have the meetings (way cheaper) and could still count calories

    I have been considering that route myself

    I did w.w. a few years back w/ flex points and I really enjoyed the meetings/weigh ins, we moved and the only w.w. location in my area was 1 day a week, so i just gave it up
  • Living01
    Living01 Posts: 1
    WW is a good program it teaches you how to eat and you have to keep track of the food your are eating. Yes, through a point system. I tried WW and lost 22lbs in 12 weeks I came to my MFP because I was burned out on WW I had to try something different. I couldn't track another point. I never had a chance to go to the meetings so I had to look to myself for support. If you want something bad enough you will do it. I can truly say that I love MFP and yes it's free. This weight loss has been hard and I'm trying to stick to it I have been working out everyday and could not get any weigh off. I relized I had to track and MFP helps me track everything and so far I've been avg. about 2 lbs per week.
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    While I haven't taken part in the point counting program, they have a program where you have a shake in the morning and evening, then a 500 calorie lunch and 3 100 calorie snacks. All in all, not enough calories and you feel really hungry.

    I do a hybrid version of the above diet using MFP. I usually have a protein shake for breakfast and dinner. Have a normal lunch, and lots of healthy snacks packed up for the day for when you get hungry between meals. If I'm feeling really ravenous, I'll make an egg-white omelet or have some whole wheat toast or something with the shake. Just make sure that all your calories are in your target, and you're golden!

    I use Syntha6 for my protein shake.... tastes FAN-FRICKING AMAZING and has less sugar and more protein than the slim fast shakes for the same number of calories. Just mix one scoop with 8oz. of water (not two, like the side suggests... helps save money in the long run). Whatever shake you decide to go with, try to find one that has more than one type of protein. If the proteins digest at a different rate, then you'll feel fuller for a lot longer.

    MFP is absolutely amazing, and I don't know what I'd do without the MFP app that I use to track the calories as I'm making lunches. :blushing:
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    WW works but I find MFP more motivating than any of the meetings I have ever attended. I would never spend all that money again.
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    I went to WW meetings - got to goal - got to be a lifetime member - then I gained all my weight back over time after I didn't go to meetings and fell "off the WW wagon" - did that - a couple of times at least! I enjoyed the meetings at first - depended on the leader - but after awhile - I grew tired of listening to everyone talk about food all the time at the meetings - WW works, if you follow the plan - yes you have to convert everything to points - you get used to it - they have apps for it now - used to use a little cardboard "calculator" thing - easy to use - but - I now prefer using MFP. I don't have to go to a meeting - I don't have to convert or think about points - I like knowing the nutritional content of my food as well. If you are the type of person who does better in a group setting - being accountable as it were to weigh in at a meeting - then give it a try - MFP is free - lots of great advice here - easy to meet people of like mind - no need to show up at a meeting....I won't go back to WW after finding MFP! Best of luck whichever plan you choose!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Liked it when I did it. But.... noticed the leaders and people who had lost a good amount of weight were really flabby. The place I went to did not advocate exercise nearly as much as Ive found on MFP forums. It was all about the food, which is good but there also HAS to be some kind of exercise program sprinkled in. I did lose weight, which you will if you eat less. But if I had to compare the two i would say MFP is way better because of the people who have learned through trial and error what works and can give the best advice. With WW it was lose the weight, buy or eat processed packaged food and count points.

    I feel like i have more control here and I'm not hungry all the time. But i have a family member who is doing WW and loves it. So its all about your personal preference.
  • LynneseLooksgood
    I do both right but am transitioning to just using MFP. I've lost 45 using WW but find that I'm not getting much out of the meetings anymore and don't see myself paying 42.95 a month for just the e-tools when I can do MFP for free. If you feel you need the in-person meeting once a week then WW is for you. I feel that MFP gives you more insight into calories and nutritional breakdown versus weight watchers disguising everything in points.
  • RobinsonDawn
    RobinsonDawn Posts: 40 Member
    Ok guys, well I've decided I will try this route before I try paying for anything. Wish me luck and thank you for all your support:)
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    I've done it in the past--both the meeting format and the online format. I was mostly successful with both. This, however, is free.
  • christylui
    christylui Posts: 3 Member
    I think Weight Watchers is great if you really need to revamp your eating habits and learn to make better choices. But once you learn the basics (portion control, choose fruit for snacks, writing down everything you put in your mouth, "budgeting" for treats), MFP works just as well. I'd stay away from the WW packaged crap, too.