Need to loose the weight

:happy: Hi - I'm new and definitely want to meet many of you. I get hyped and more encouraged by hearing other peoples stories on how they feel when they see themselves shrinking. Please share. I want to hear how you do it and how you feel when you see a healthier person in the mirror also sexier:smile:


  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    I haven't lost a lot of weight yet (and I stress the word YET) I just started 3 weeks ago! But when I look in the mirror I see changes, I've majorly increased how much water I drink and my skin is sooo much healthier! I can't wait to see the results of my weight loss on my body!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Hey, girl! Welcome to the site. :happy: Poke your head into "Success stories" everyday and that'll keep you motivated!!! I do and I love it!!

    Right now, I'm focusing on working out 6 days a week, one rest day per week (usually date night :wink:) and I try to stay within my calories and meet my fiber goals. I stay away from fake sugars, high fructose corn syrup, all soda, white "fake" starches (such as white flour tortillas, white bread, etc. I still eat potatoes in moderation even though it's a white starch. It's natural so I'ma eat it!). I don't eat fast food save for a couple I have deemed healthy (or that I can make healthy choices at) - Wendy's, Subway and Chick-fil-A. I just turned 21 so I haven't cut out alcohol but I do stay within my calories for the day if I drink...just gotta work out more!

    For exercise, I do walking/running intervals on the treadmill & outside when it's nice, use the elliptical, and I have a made-for-me strength training program I do at the gym and also some routines I do at home when I'm too lazy to hit the gym.

    I've lost 20 lbs in about 4 1/2 months and can't wait to get the other 20 off!! Good luck.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    What I love if the belly shrinks first and my muffin top is disappearing at a rapid rate. My chins are down to 1.5 instead of 3 and I am getting skinny wrists. Oh, its the little things. Welcome to a great site.
  • Elaine_NY
    Elaine_NY Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for the response! I will definitely stay motivated as you all are doing. Love the tips.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    :happy: Hi - I'm new and definitely want to meet many of you. I get hyped and more encouraged by hearing other peoples stories on how they feel when they see themselves shrinking. Please share. I want to hear how you do it and how you feel when you see a healthier person in the mirror also sexier:smile:
    Hey daphne from NY, I’m mj from TX and here’s My story:
    I’ve been swinging close to 180lbs for almost 15 years. @ 5’4 that’s WAY too much…every year I drop 20 to 30 and gain it back. The usu story…

    Recently, I tripped and fell tore/broke my ankle. After surgery, therapy, boots/braces I’m left with a joint that’s completely shot. The poor thing is hangin’ by a thread and it can no longer carry around an extra half a me!

    I either drop the weight or lose the ankle. I won’t even entertain the idea of ankle replacement (no tech now), so the see-saw of my life ends here…I workout often, eat well, read, log, post, and pray. It's working. I'm healthier, happier, & starting to look' like the "Hot Mama" I am inside!

    thank heavens there is a place that helps me focus, keeps me inspired, and is safe enough for me to laugh and cry in… There are angels among us!

    Welcome to this wonderful site!