New here from Idaho!

Hello everybody! I actually joined late last night, but today is my first full day with MFP. I have been checking things out and learning about the community and I am definitely excited because everybody seems really great and incredibly supportive of each other. So here is a little about me and my situation. I'm a senior at Boise State University here in Idaho (Go Broncos!!), a real estate consultant for a national brokerage, and I also nanny part time during the school year. I was a cheerleader, dancer, and a competitive gymnast for about 15 years and my weight was normally around 125 and I could basically eat whatever I want. As soon as I stopped these activities, I gained about 10 lbs, putting me at 135. This ended up being my happy weight for quite some time. About 4 months ago, I started a new medication that pushed me up another 10 lbs. So at 145 lbs, I'm looking to drop about 10 lbs to get back down to a more happy weight for me. :)

So that's me in a nutshell. I wish everybody good luck and I'm happy to have found this place!


  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Good to see you here. This site has been great for me and I have tried to log in everything and be honest with myself. It is helpful to own up to what I am really doing.

    Best of luck to you! I am sure you will be successful!

    I'm in Utah, so we are basically neighbors :laugh:

  • sissymay
    sissymay Posts: 1
    Nice to meet you. I just joined over the weekend. I am also a BSU student. Cool to know there are at least a couple of us on here. Good luck with your goals!
