Reaffiming my goal after a ROUGH week!

When I (re)started my weight loss journey I had a goal of losing 110 lbs. After a few days seemed daunting, so I decided that I would be under 200 by my birthday in July. I have 27 lbs. left to lose to officially be under 200 and 17 weeks to get it done. This week has really sucked for me since I have been sicker than I have been for a LOOOOOONG time. No exercise, bad eating (I didn't even bother resisting foods that weren't healthy), and a permanent dent in my couch kinda sick. So here I am kicking myself in the booty, reestablishing my dedication. I WILL meet my goals, all of them.


  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    You can do it. Set your numbers for a 2 pound a week loss and stick with it. You will still have a little wiggle room. Best of luck!
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    You can do it! I also started with 110 pounds to lose. I am down 68 pounds. After working out this morning, I got on the scale and I was under 200! It was the best feeling in the world. I don't officially weigh in until this Sunday, but I am working my but off this week to make sure that number is under 200. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need some motivation.