Need Suggestions on How to add clean calories to my diet

Hello everyone!
I have been trying to cut certain foods out of my diet recently and I am having a hard time coming up with ideas on what to eat. I have been watching carbs, cut out junk food, diet soda (all water now) and red meat.
I have been eating mostly vegetables and lean meats(fish, chicken, pork) but even though I don't feel hungry, I am still waaay under my 1200 calorie goal for the day. Around 840 on avg for the past week (and no work out). I have no idea what I should eat for breakfast that isn't processed or too high in carbs. Is it possible to do a HEALTHY low carb low fat diet without lacking in calories? I am currently at 245lbs and would like to get down to at least 150. Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks for reading :)


  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
    I have 2 go-to breakfasts that you might think about.

    My favorite breakfast right now is egg whites - I like mine with 1 whole egg so I can get some runny yolk! I usually eat 1 large egg + 3 whites, and then some berries or 1/2 a large grapefruit. You could also add some veggies or lean protein in with the eggs (leftover chicken breast or whatever)

    Other days I'll have oatmeal (old fashioned oats) made with water, and then I put some flaxseed, blueberries and walnuts in once the oats are cooked.

    I know oats may go against your low carb plan, but they are healthy and will keep you full. I am not specifically trying to be low carb, but in general am trying to eliminate processed foods and wheat, so the oats are one of my few grain type carbs during the day.

    You could also try nonfat plain Greek yogurt and mix in berries.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    whats wrong with read meat? ..I eat steak like once a week ....

    A rib eye every once in a while will solve the calorie problem...

    you can just eat more of the foods you mentioned - chicken, pork, fish, eggs, greek yogurt...brown rice, whole wheat linguine, and quinoa are also great...
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    While I have not tried a low carb diet, I know that many low carbers advise against doing low carb AND low fat! I think it has to do with energy levels and what not, and also as you said you can't fill your calories! I think you should just focus on one :) If you're doing low carb then be moderate or even high in fat! Good fats of course :)

    I would say there is no need to go very low carb, it'd be ok if you choose to be lower on your carbs but remember it is a lifestyle you're sustaining for the rest of your life if you don't want to gain it back after your 'diet'!

    Anyways healthy clean calories I can think of are nuts (unsalted, no oil, just raw and roasted or toasted!), all natural nut butters, avocado, cheese (you can go low fat if you want), greek yoghurt! A little dark chocolate wouldn't hurt too!
    Also quinoa, brown rice although they are not exactly low carb, and maybe use a little olive oil to cook your meats and fish? I know olive oil is high in calories so it should fill your calories!