Does "juicing" really work???

TiMoPhat Posts: 26 Member
Hey my fellow pals!!! I am thinking of buying a juicer to help in taking in my daily fruit and vegetables. I have looked up a few recipes and some look ok and some look completely horrible!!! What are some of you guys' experiences? Has juicing helped you? Have you seen a difference in your energy levels or even weight? What are some recipes and what juicers do you use??? Can't wait to hear what you all think!!!


  • Msmaddog1
    Msmaddog1 Posts: 7 Member
    I started juicing about 10 days ago, just in the am. I bought a Breville jiucer and drink 8-12 oz of Green Lemonade( Spinach/Kale, Lemon, Granny smith apple, parsley,Carrots)...The rest of the day I eat fruits, veggies and the right amount of protein for lunch and dinner. Ive eliminated a lot of proccessed foods that I used to eat. I really see a difference. I have more energy and feel better...
    When I go to the grocery store, 90 % in my cart is fruits, veggies, fish or chicken or ground turkey...Lara bars for a treat.
    The Green lemonade is not something I guzzle because its so tasty, but its do-able....
    I cannot believe the way I used to eat. ...To many carbs etc....
    I like it. I dont fast, but juicing for breakfast and I think it makes a big difference in not making me feel bulky and lethargic.
    Yes, Ive lost weight but am also doing pilates 4x/ week and watching calories.
  • emsthethininme
    emsthethininme Posts: 14 Member
    I love juicing so much! One of the absolute best things to juice is spinach. I can't stand raw spinach, really... it tastes soapy to me. But it's so full of vitamins and minerals! When it's juiced, it doesn't have a real distinctive taste, just nice and cool. It's a great base to add carrot juice to. I add pear juice and frozen raspberries in the blender for a super-delicious anti-oxidant treat.

    One thing about juicing is that the juice does have more calories than you might expect. Other than that, I think juicing is the best thing ever, pretty much. Haha. Drinking fresh veggie juice daily gives me more energy, better skin, and keeps the whole works running regular. I did a 7-day juice fast last August, and while I don't suggest juice fasting for anyone who isn't obese, I felt great afterwards! I still juice daily when I'm at home, and when I'm away at college I definitely miss it, and my skin gets worse.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    It depends, do you have a juicer? Mine works. With citrus fruits just squeezing them works!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

    great transformation taso!! what is your favorite juice?? cucumber?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

    great transformation taso!! what is your favorite juice?? cucumber?

    Oh that's not me, silly! The only juice I drink is creatine!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

    great transformation taso!! what is your favorite juice?? cucumber?

    Oh that's not me, silly! The only juice I drink is creatine!

    what fruit does that come from?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

    great transformation taso!! what is your favorite juice?? cucumber?

    Oh that's not me, silly! The only juice I drink is creatine!

    what fruit does that come from?

  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I've done the juicing thing. You have to be very careful with fruit juice. It's a lot of sugar going in, regardless of the vitamins, etc. A lot of weight loss diets advise against drinking fruit juice these days. The reason why; lots of sugar with nothing to "fill you up", so you're going to be hungry soon. Actually, that's the main reason I quit "juicing". I was always hungry and forever buying veggies and fruits and running them through the juicer. IMHO a body doesn't really need all that juice, just a good balanced diet (with calorie deficit for weight loss) and a daily multi-vitamin if you feel you need it.

    Edit: Actually, after my juicer broke, I had some very satisfying smoothies made with my blender. At least that way, I was getting the pulp and fiber from the fruits and veggies.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Blending > juicing.

    When you juice fruits, you are left with sugar and no fiber. Fruit juice has as much sugar as soda. Fiber keeps you full and has many health benefits. When I am too lazy to chew my fruits and vegetables or just want some variety, I toss everything in a blender.
  • one15ts
    one15ts Posts: 91

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

    he means the other juice.

    if i could afford it, i would totally juice. looks like a great way to get in your micronutrients from fresh foods.
    Blending > juicing.

    When you juice fruits, you are left with sugar and no fiber. Fruit juice has as much sugar as soda. Fiber keeps you full and has many health benefits. When I am too lazy to chew my fruits and vegetables or just want some variety, I toss everything in a blender.

    what blender do you use? i've been thinking about either saving up for a blender or juicer myself.
  • joenolte
    joenolte Posts: 11
    I was listening to NPR a few days ago and heard an interview on Science Friday (a repeat from January) that explains why juicing is not necessarily as good for you as might be believed. Here's the link to the transcript:
    Lots of interesting information in there about whole grains and others. I won't begin to pretend I'm an expert, but it is an interesting "other side" to the story, and I know in my weight-loss journey, I've stuck with whole fruits and vegetables and the proof in that is 150 pounds gone. I'd encourage you to do some research to discover the pros and cons and then make decisions about your diet that are right for you! Good luck!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

    Um, you can't get that kind of "juice" from a fruit or veggie.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

    Um, you can't get that kind of "juice" from a fruit or veggie.

    True. I'm aware there are 2 meanings, but isn't it more productive to talk about the form of juicing that actually works?
  • JenS2586
    JenS2586 Posts: 85
    I loved it when I did it a few yrs ago. I juice fasted for 2weeks plus an hour or so treadmill and I lost 15lbs. Didn't gain it back. It jump started my weight loss, I continued losing until I got preggo with my twins. I plan on doing it again after this next baby is born.
    I had so much energy and my skin was soo clear and nice looking. I felt great. Just haven't had the drive to repeat it [hate washing my juicer constantly]. If you do it try to stick to more veggies than fruits, fruit juices add up sugar intake fast. I loved doing grapefruit, orange and berries for a morning energy boost. Then I'd do veggies the rest of the day.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I :heart: Taso & Captain.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

    ewww...she looks all bulky like a man....
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member

    Can't get results like these unless you're on the juice!

    great transformation taso!! what is your favorite juice?? cucumber?

    Oh that's not me, silly! The only juice I drink is creatine!

    what fruit does that come from?

    Dat der CellTech
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I've never fully understood the juicing concept. If I'm going to go to the store and buy fruits and vegatables, why not just, I dunno, eat them? Why would I want to buy an expensive blender, stuff all my fruits and veggies into it, drink them, and then have to clean up the blender and glass? Someone please tell me how all these extra steps make sense.