

  • theuber
    theuber Posts: 51
    just get a friend to give you a call with.. "hey! so I just hid a piece of chocolate cake at the gym!"

    Hahahahaha! That's awesome! I'd tear that place APART! I haven't had cake, chocolate, or any sweets in the LONGEST TIME!!!!
  • theuber
    theuber Posts: 51
    Get your gym clothes on, get in your car, drive all the way to the gym...that's the hardest part for me - after that do what'cha gotta do.

    See, the crappy thing is, I'm already "at" the gym. I work in a hospital and we have a full gym in the basement, so it doesn't cost me anything.... I'm just tired and being lazy. LOL!
  • theuber
    theuber Posts: 51
    how many kids do you have??? i have three and i would LOVE the opportunity to go to the gym...there isnt even a gym in the town i live pick up your big girl panties and just go to the

    Um... none... so yes ma'am! :laugh:
  • Dont think about the task as whole break it down. Just think .. Ok I will throw on my work out clothes, then grab my bag, ect.. Some times when you break it down to small steps doesnt seem to be so overwhelming when you finally get in your car and make it to the gym. :happy:
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    1h of suffering/pain in the gym for the rest of the day's ease/happiness!! :D