


  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    When I grew up, I stopped having problems making friends with women.
  • Ajellyfish77
    Ajellyfish77 Posts: 36 Member
    You know what they say the one thing that men and women have in common is they both hate women :P

    It isn't the gender of the people around you...its the attitude. You are in a room full of people stressed about study and concerned wtih appearnace...no diet profits from this XD

    I love my guy friends gay straight they are all great....until recently I didn't appreciate the beauty of a female friend. Someone who shares all the crazy happy hormonal chicky feelings I go through. We are all AMAZING and we should support each other :) As Jenna Marbles says "girls are freaking magical creatures" LOL

    *sprinkles pixie dust

    Don't let the room rule your mood.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    I like drama online. Because it's quiet.

    IRL not so much.

    You're in cosmetology school? That has to be a high level of drama career choice. Oy.
  • Marshmaster
    Marshmaster Posts: 19 Member
    Guess I am opposite of most guys. All my friends are female. Just too much macho crap with most guys and / or they don't talk. I love talking and having an open conversation and my female friends, at least most of them, appreciate me because I like to listen to their vents. Plus my female friends tend to be more focused, good at multitasking, and a great motivators to my journeys.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    My grandmother used to tell me that it's very difficult for WOMEN to get along/live together/etc. I have female friends but we have special times in which we come together because I'm certain if we spent TOO MUCH time together we'd drive each other absolutely NUTTS Lol!!! So in answer to your question, I can relate. My advice to you, BALANCE--do you and do your girls only "sometimes". Show yourself friendly, but that doesn't mean you have to stay up under each other 24/7. Unless you have a special female "confident" (and I mean you KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THIS PERSON will keep your business quiet), keep your business to yourself and keep it moving. I have 2 adult dtrs and I can't even be up under them all the time LOL

    Love my girls but life has taught me a few things abt "friends" (and actually this is male and female); use wisdom when interacting with them and try not to go "loco" in the process. You'll be just fine.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    When I grew up, I stopped having problems making friends with women.

    Mmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmm


  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    I am 54, single and childless and the problem I always have with making friends with women is that most of them have only ONE topic of conversation - their kids and grandkids. It's like they are totally engulfed, enwrapped in their offspring. The few that don't bore me to death with kids/grandkids anecdotes and boasting are obsessed with celebrities, soap operas or their own appearance. Oh I wish I could meet some who were more interested in the outside world, in pursuing hobbies and careers etc.

    As a consequence, I get on better with men.