41 yo Christian gal pre-diabetic w/ 125 lbs to lose

I would love to find some friends on here to walk through this journey with! I have been told for years that I am pre-diabetic but it is getting closer to diabetic and I so want to lose the weight and be healthier for my family and to take care of the body the Lord has given me!

So, lets's encourage one another on this process! Send me your friend requests!


  • Hey! I am going to be 40 in July, and I need to loose 100 lbs! I would enjoy making the journey together!
  • Hi Grace! welcome :D

    Im not 40, but I can try to help motivate :)
  • psm5990
    psm5990 Posts: 2
    I reversed diabetes in 2012 and lost 120 pounds...you can do this but it will take MAJOR change in diet!
  • I would love to have you on board with me as well, i've gone through all the craziness of weight almost my whole life, gained a lot, lost a lot, for me it's a balancing act that i am hoping i will finally be able to understand. I'll be 37 this year and would LOVE to lose at least 45 of the 80ish lbs i have as my goal before my september bday. This posting and getting friends stuff is still pretty new to me, so im gonna see if i successfully added you as a friend, and anyone else, i would love you all to add me if any of what i mentioned sounds like you'd like me to come along for the ride with you.:smile:
  • psm5990
    psm5990 Posts: 2
    Go here

    check out the nutrition page then friend them on Facebook..PALEO and Jesus saved my life
  • CasiiD
    CasiiD Posts: 22 Member
    Just chiming in to say great step putting yourself out there! I've got you added. :-)
  • CarmelTherese
    CarmelTherese Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm 58 and have just been diagnosed pre-diabetic. I have about 200 lbs to lose, but would settle for losing 162 lbs. I know this is going to be hard, but right now I'm psyched. I would love to journey with you. I am Christian too (Catholic). The verse I have always felt a little guilty about is 1 Cor 6:19-20 -- "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body." I've always felt guilty because I eat a lot of the wrong stuff and this gift from God suffers. I'm not glorifying our Lord in my body. So I am changing/repenting (turning completely around). This means sticking to my eating plan/tracking food and exercising (walking every day). I will need lots and lots of encouragement (I'm warning you now :wink: )

    I know together we can do this! I hope I can help you along the path to health and holiness.
