1 lb. a week ?



  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    That's a good idea (photos) or measurements to track my progress.

    I'm just frustrated because my friend had been doing WW for the same amount of time, with no exercise and has lost almost double.

    Mind you, she often days she is hungry.

    the fact that she is hungry most days and you are not means that you will most likely be able to sustain your healthy eating lifestyle and she will have a harder time... and that is a key to long term loss and maintenance.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I could not do 45 minutes a day if I tried. That's amazing. My everything hurts. I can do two long workouts a week, then have to have some filler days to recover, and I'm in decent shape to begin with. You are doing great. I do think that mixing it up and having days when I'm more active and days when I'm less, days when I eat more and days when I eat less helps my particular metabolism stay shaken up so that my body isn't adjusting for the "new normal".
  • Gary_AquaMan
    Gary_AquaMan Posts: 52 Member
    Wow! you're doing great and everyone is right and you're on the right track!
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    Thanks everyone, I'll try not to get discouraged.

  • Gary_AquaMan
    Gary_AquaMan Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks everyone, I'll try not to get discouraged.
    That's the weigh to go!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    1 lb a week is great! What's the race?
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    What is your carb intake? reduce carbs and you might see a difference.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    once we are enthusiastic about losing weight i think we get abit impatient. i keep looking at myself each day hoping one morning it will all be gone. you are doing well. you are getting fitter with exercise and losing weight each week. keep up the good work.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    What is your carb intake? reduce carbs and you might see a difference.

    50% carbs
    30% protein
    20% fat

    Someone suggested 40/30/30, but I'm worried if I lower my carbs I won't have energy to workout or get through the day. I'm up from 630am to 12pm most days.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    What is your carb intake? reduce carbs and you might see a difference.

    50% carbs
    30% protein
    20% fat

    Someone suggested 40/30/30, but I'm worried if I lower my carbs I won't have energy to workout or get through the day. I'm up from 630am to 12pm most days.

    I trained and ran for a half marathon at 40/30/30. I also work shift work, 12 hour shifts. Again, if it doesn't work of you, fine, but 40 % carbs is not low.
  • utuxia
    utuxia Posts: 6 Member
    sounds like you're doing an awful lot of exercise to only see 1lb / week. What are your eating habits?
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Be thankful you're losing 1lb a week.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I've lost 4 pounds in 10 weeks sticking to a 1500 calorie diet and exercising. A loss is a loss and slow weight loss is the best weight loss. Keep up the great work and remember, some of us are doing the same thing and not getting any or few results.
  • ChrysAudrey
    What is your carb intake? reduce carbs and you might see a difference.

    50% carbs
    30% protein
    20% fat

    Someone suggested 40/30/30, but I'm worried if I lower my carbs I won't have energy to workout or get through the day. I'm up from 630am to 12pm most days.

    I agree with everyone that on lbs/week is great loss for your weight. The more you have to lose the easier it comes off.
    Just a thought though... only getting 6 1/2 hours of sleep a night might be impacting you as well. Getting enough sleep is one of the main factors for loosing weight. Perhaps adding another hour (if you can I know not always gonna happen) might just give you a little boost in your losses.
    Although If I weighed as little as you do, then I would be ecstatic with that kinda loss! Still think your doing great!
  • dee4981
    dee4981 Posts: 13
    You are right! You should be happy. By the way, I am happy for you.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I'd be completely rapt with 1lb/wk
    Well done :smile:
  • lilbell13
    lilbell13 Posts: 18
    I had a weigh in at the gym and lost 3lbs in 3 weeks and was super disappointed. To me it didnt quite equal the work that I put in and my clean eating!! I think as we get closer to our goal we want more and more.... Dont worry it will come! :)

    I have now challenged myself not to weigh myself again until May. You should do the same! :)

    I agree with everyone else though, 1lb a week is amazing! But I do get where you're coming from, I feel it too!
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    sounds like you're doing an awful lot of exercise to only see 1lb / week. What are your eating habits?

    I net 1400 a day, 6 days a week.

    And allow myself one day to splurge, but try to stay below my tdee of 2200.

    I try to eat clean and incorporate a lot of the same things into my diet.

    I just incorporated the kick boxing last week on Mondays and Wednesdays (I signed up for 12 classes, so I'm going to try it for the next 6 weeks to see if I get better results).

    The 4 days of cardio is intervals on my home treadmill and I've been doing it consistently since the end of January.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    What is your carb intake? reduce carbs and you might see a difference.

    50% carbs
    30% protein
    20% fat

    Someone suggested 40/30/30, but I'm worried if I lower my carbs I won't have energy to workout or get through the day. I'm up from 630am to 12pm most days.

    I agree with everyone that on lbs/week is great loss for your weight. The more you have to lose the easier it comes off.
    Just a thought though... only getting 6 1/2 hours of sleep a night might be impacting you as well. Getting enough sleep is one of the main factors for loosing weight. Perhaps adding another hour (if you can I know not always gonna happen) might just give you a little boost in your losses.
    Although If I weighed as little as you do, then I would be ecstatic with that kinda loss! Still think your doing great!

    Its funny that you mention the sleep, I've been lacking in that department. I actually had a major crash day on Saturday were I slept from 7 pm to 7am and still felt exhausted. I do that every couple of months.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    What is your carb intake? reduce carbs and you might see a difference.

    50% carbs
    30% protein
    20% fat

    Someone suggested 40/30/30, but I'm worried if I lower my carbs I won't have energy to workout or get through the day. I'm up from 630am to 12pm most days.

    I guess its worth a try, although I think ill do it gradually. Maybe go down to 45% carbs for a week and then lower it.

    I was under the impression that carbs give energy and thought i should eat carbs before a workout and protein after.

    Is that incorrect?

    I trained and ran for a half marathon at 40/30/30. I also work shift work, 12 hour shifts. Again, if it doesn't work of you, fine, but 40 % carbs is not low.