18, overweight, and no self-esteem

I've always been the chubby one of the bunch. I hit 200 in middle school I think. I've managed to somewhat maintain my weight around 220-230. I've been bullied about my weight so much that it does not bother me. I know I'm fat. I've been trying to lose weight for quite some time now. I lost about 40 lbs in rehab a year ago but it wasn't long before I gained it all right back. Way too much stress and sadly, the only things that seem to comfort me is beer, food, and drugs. I lack motivation and support. I'm looking for weight-loss buddies to help motivate and support me to leave all my dangerous habits and be healthy. Thanks for reading and I hope you'll add me.


  • Lilacsrock
    Lilacsrock Posts: 22 Member
    Wow we have a lot in common. Definitely been in your situation. Was chubby my whole life topping out at 237 in high school, not so much fun. I'm here for you and will help you through this :)
  • Liftnlove
    Liftnlove Posts: 235
    I hope you find some great friends here. People are just inexplicably cruel. I hope you can rise above all of this...do it for YOU, do it to prove everyone wrong, do it for whatever reason you want, but DO IT!! You CAN do this. You are fully capable of making this change--believe it!! You are SOOOOO young! Figure this out now, and you'll be ahead of the vast majority of people. Wishing you health and happiness :)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    you can add me if you want

    I used to have really low self esteem, I have much higher self esteem these days.
  • Hi. I can relate to what your saying. It's such a tough thing to move out of a cycle of things that we find that comfort us when they do us harm. Comfort vs. self harm. That is not an easy decision and choice to make. I am in it right now with you at least around the food and for me it's smoking pot. I just decided to ask myself what is it I really want. Well, I want to feel comforted. One helpful way for me to feel comforted is to have my food already made for me. So, as silly as this sounds I went and bought frozen meals for the week. Now I know that in that small way I am getting a comfort on both sides. Good luck!! You are not alone and our self esteem is all based on our own thinking not on anything that is true...and thinking can change especially when we start feeling better. We just gotta do this for now :-)
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    Hi, add me if you want. I think you'll see that a lot of people here have been through or are going through the same things you are. You can do this! I still fall off the wagon a little but I've been logging on here for over 20 days in a row. Might seem small to some but thats the longest I've stuck to changing how I eat and exercise. There's so much motivation on this site.