How Over The Counter Diet Aids Work

Many people are looking for a quick fix. They are going with whatever is the lastest product. From all the I have observed these aids do nothing for the body. Ok, so Sensa does cause extra fat to be removed from the body. But, a person would have to be eating quite a lot of fats for this to work. So, the same results can be found by just eating leaner. Plus, you would avoid the diarrhea which is the result of the fat leaving. Sensa truly does not have a smell or taste and I wonder if it is nothing but some industrial product that would normally be thrown away.

One of the lastest aids are Raspberry Ketones. Do they help? I don't think that they would cause any damage but are they worth buying? If they actually contain something found in raspberries then maybe they would have some health benefit. However, they do smell good.

So do these help anyone to drop any weight? Here is my theory: If a person believes that a product will work then they may have the incentive to work harder. By thinking that OTC aids can help...why not give the product a boost by eating healthier and getting more exercise. Yes, this would work. So what is the harm if a person is using something that works only mentally? If the item does not cause any health harms, then I would say that the OTC helps are working.