Food at work



  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    This happens at work and I just love sweets and obsess about it if I don't have a little, so I have a little of the treat, but I keep a stash of healthy snacks so I don't feel hungry and go overboard. Sometimes it works, and sometimes I let go and eat all the food. BUT I feel way better at the end of the day if I know I maintained control over my impulsive urges.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    My job is just like this! I pack my lunch and snacks everyday so I have healthy options available. However a nibble or two isn't the end of the world. I've even found a coworker that I can split treats with. She'll have half a cookie/cup cake and I'll have the other half. Withgroup lunches (ordering takeout and having it delivered to the office) I'll eat my packed lunch but still sit and chat with them. I do get the occasional comment but on a whole I'm healthier and happier.
  • jeshhh
    jeshhh Posts: 44 Member
    The satisfaction I take from declining to eat the treats--exercising my self-discipline--carries me through the day. When I am tempted, I try to think past the satisfaction of eating the cake to the greater satisfaction of not eating the cake. When I am really, really, tempted I have a little then log it here right away to reckon the damage done.

    After abstaining a few times, it really does get easier and does become a habit. Good luck!

    This is the best advice I've seen on this subject. Turn the negative into a positive! Be proud of your control!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    My employer supplies us with free fruit :smile:

    When anyone brings in "bad" foods, I will eat it if I can fit it in, but I tend to only eat a small amount (I have a colleague who will split a donut with me).

    I also like to work out having not eaten in at least 2 hours, so I have a no food after 3 pm rule which helps.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    As a software engineer, I work with mostly men, and I used to get a weird one at my last job. Every couple weeks someone would make a wings or barbecue run. This generally involves about 10 lbs of meat and a forest of side dishes. I'd make up a plate that I figured was ok .. maybe around 500 cal (estimated, probably wrong). Ok back to the mostly men thing: When I didnt go back for a second plate, or participate in the wing eating contest that inevitably broke out, the comments would start. "c'mon, take off the skirt" .. "ONE plate? I thought you were a MAN" ... "what are you doing? trying to get thin for your boyfriend?"

    The only thing I could do is chuckle and ignore it.

    On the flip side, let's say it was something epic, like brisket, collard greens and cornbread. That might be worth a second plate (depending on how good I felt about doing it and still hitting my weekly goal) .. this time, it's a different set of comments. "I thought you were on a diet" .. "you're gonna ruin all your hard work" .. etc.

    I was very comfortable declaring myself right and everyone else an *kitten*. It's a big part of why I no longer work there. Not the food thing (which was one of many irritating things there), but the fact that I worked with a bunch of *kitten*.