Not eating breakfast



  • kidtachyon
    kidtachyon Posts: 32 Member
    I try to eat something small (like a piece of fruit or a bar) in the morning in order to not get too hungry two hours later. Then when I'm ready to eat a couple of hours later, I don't feel like I'm starving and I won't overeat.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    For me..

    Breakfast enables me to meet my calorie goals. When I wasn't eating it I was missing by 400 to 500 a day. Plus I feel better when I eat in the morning and don't overeat or undereat (my real problem!!) at lunch or dinner. I had to make an effort to eat breakfast everyday initally, now it's failry easy. I still skip it sometimes.. If i'm not hungry.. I don't eat.. but even something small helps get me through my day.

    I also pre-plan my days.. so i have an idea where I will be with the foods I want to eat, so I know if I can have whatever it is I want to have. (Honestly if I want it.. i'll probalby have it anyway. LOL)

    Like today i had 1/2 c greek yogurt with my strawberry jam and a bit of granola.. I didn't eat my grek salad that i was planning to.. but that will become my snack.

    I'm an advocate of breakfast.. Your body just went 12 hours without food.. it need fuel!!! But, I know better then to argue that it's necessary on here. I will say in my world, it's necessary!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member

    I don't eat breakfast. It's just not my thing. But I am told I should try ... so am going to down a powder shake or something in the morning (like today).

    Does anyone have a link to a good article on why I should eat breakfast?



    If you are not hungry don't eat. We're told we got fat from overeating. Then we're told to eat breakfast because "it's the most important meal of the day." and to eat it even if we aren't hungry. You know what happens if you don't eat. Your body starts using what is already there. Isn't that what you want? Your body doesn't even start to treat not eating like starvation or famine coming for a couple of days (effects of a 40-hour fast:

    We are predators, not prey. Predators gorge and fast, prey grazes. There is no reason why we should be required to eat every few hours throughout the day:
    "...On average, a ‘mixed meal’ (including meat) takes 4-5 hours to completely leave the stomach—so we’ve busted yet another part of the myth. (Keep in mind that we have not absorbed any nutrients yet: we’re still breaking everything down..." (

    If people feel the need to do it then by all means do it. But if you are not hungry then there is absolutely no reason why you should be REQUIRED to eat. I rarely eat breakfast because I usually have cream or half/half in my coffee. Fat is filling and slowest to empty the stomach. But eventually I wil get to a point in the day when my body says "I want some food". So I eat.

    See if these articles can help you.

    Hope this helps!! Good luck!

    (a couple of others just in case you are interested...I'm not pushing anything on anyone. I just found my N=1 and want everyone else to find theirs. :))
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I've never been much interested in breakfast and usually have a light lunch, so I have mainly fruit or a couple of eggs (poached or boiled for breakfast) and normally something that doesn't use up more than 200-300 calories for lunch. Sometimes I make do with soup and maybe some dried fruit, very dependent on where I am and what I am doing. I tend to eat (and drink!) most of my calories in the evening. Though if I have a low cal meal planned for the evening I eat more for breakfast and lunch. Works for me. Just a case of planning where possible and taking it as it comes otherwise and trying to eat as balanced and healthy a diet as possible without going overboard.
  • LittleDaisyWaisy
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day (it breaks the fast)

    Thats all I know :O
  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 164 Member

    If you are not hungry don't eat. We're told we got fat from overeating. Then we're told to eat breakfast because "it's the most important meal of the day." and to eat it even if we aren't hungry. You know what happens if you don't eat. Your body starts using what is already there. Isn't that what you want? Your body doesn't even start to treat not eating like starvation or famine coming for a couple of days (effects of a 40-hour fast:

    We are predators, not prey. Predators gorge and fast, prey grazes. There is no reason why we should be required to eat every few hours throughout the day:
    "...On average, a ‘mixed meal’ (including meat) takes 4-5 hours to completely leave the stomach—so we’ve busted yet another part of the myth. (Keep in mind that we have not absorbed any nutrients yet: we’re still breaking everything down..." (

    If people feel the need to do it then by all means do it. But if you are not hungry then there is absolutely no reason why you should be REQUIRED to eat. I rarely eat breakfast because I usually have cream or half/half in my coffee. Fat is filling and slowest to empty the stomach. But eventually I wil get to a point in the day when my body says "I want some food". So I eat.

    See if these articles can help you.

    Hope this helps!! Good luck!

    (a couple of others just in case you are interested...I'm not pushing anything on anyone. I just found my N=1 and want everyone else to find theirs. :))

    Saving for future reference!
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I tried making myself eat breakfast... only thing it did was make me hungrier throughout the day... my breakfast is sometime between noon n 2pm
  • katie1286
    katie1286 Posts: 26 Member
    My fiance is currently enrolled in a weight loss "class" through our work. To get our insurance discount for the year, it's necessary that he take the class.

    The class has told him not to eat breakfast. What is encouraged, instead, is drinking this nasty water down orange juice crap first thing in the morning. I'm not advocating that you drink that in particular, but maybe drink some water. The idea is that, first thing in the morning, your body is confusing thirst for hunger. If you drink water and feel "full", don't eat breakfast. If you drink that and still feel like you need food, eat something. That's kind of the mentality I've taken on. I start with a glass of water or a travel mug of green tea. If I still feel hungry, I have my breakfast. If not, I'll skip breakfast that day.

    I agree with everyone that has said, it's mostly about listening to your body. Eat when hungry, don't eat when not hungry.