New Rule for Women- anyone else just starting Stage 1?

Hi All- i've been EM2WL since beginning of Feb, doing well- have finally finished New Rules of Lifting for Women and just starting this program- tonight is Workout B of Stage 1. Anyone else working these stages and interested in touching base/working together?


  • coleybug73
    coleybug73 Posts: 23 Member
    I started NROL4W on 3/1. About 1/2 through Phase one and so far I really love it. Even have my hubby getting up at 5 am to lift with me! We are doing it at home for now, we have everything but a barbell, so we are subbing with dumbells. So far so good.

    How did you like 1A? I thought I was going to hate the jacknifes but I actually kind of like them! And I can't do a real push up to save my life so I am doing them on an incline. Hope to be able to crank out a few real ones by the end of Phase one!
  • missjeevious
    missjeevious Posts: 83 Member
    i am doing pushups on an incline as well- i did a more in-depth post on another thread so i'll post it here-
    i just did the first workout of STage 1 on Monday. I was SO scared to go in the weight room- does anyone else feel like that? I guess it's been too long since i've been in an situation where I feel like the 'dumb bunny' one likes that feeling but I guess it is important to put yourself in 'scary 'situations sometimes.
    I"m afraid to use the barbell- feel unsure how to load it and worried aobu tlooking like a fool...don't wnat to ask for help, but I figure baby steps, i'm actually moving around that big room with the big boys and using weights (i sound like a shrinking violet in this post but i'm not!)-
    Workout B tonight am excited.
    I feel like i'm cheating doing a 30-minute workout, but i sure was feeling Monday's workout yesterday. I'll do weight tonight and then yoga/dance tomorrow. Take Friday off and do weights on Saturday then cardio on Sunday. Sound right?
    Anyone wanna share their weight loads so I can get an idea of what you are doing?