Dieting on Vacation?



  • omaisilver
    And the ice cream....are you talking about a Dole Whip? I don't pass that up on a trip to The World either! LOL!

    I'm absolutely talking about those dole whips. My mom doesn't like them (she prefers getting a chocolate chip ice cream cone on Mainstreet) but I loovvee them.
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    Enjoy yourself and make healthy choices with some treats (after all, isn't that what you'll be doing the rest of your life :tongue: ) I just got back from Disney. I tried to be conscious of healthy eating, but still managed to stuff myself (how can you pass by one of the confectionaries and not get one of those giant cookies or pecan carmel rolls?) Yet, we averaged 7-8 miles of walking a day and I lost about half a pound in the week anyways! Disney is good that way, forces you into lots of exercise :wink:
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh no I dont diet on holiday............!!! Before maybe.... Enjoy yourself and have fun....Lifes too short to be counting calories all the time!!!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I'm going on a cruise next week. I definitely plan on spluging! Although, it will be a controlled splurge. I'm basically going to set MFP to my maintenance calories (or TDEE not - 20). This way I can eat the maximum amount of calories without worry about gaining too much weight. I plan on doing some light workouts like a 15 min jog in the morning. The key is to not obsess when you are on vacation. If you go a little overboard, who cares? If you gain a couple pounds, who cares? It's vacation! Enjoy yourself. You're not going to all of a sudden gain 30 lbs in a week. Just don't bring any bad habits back.
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    I wouldn't stress about logging---you're on vacation! You're already in a healthy mindset, so you'll most likely eat reasonably & won't get too far off track, anyway.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    There is a gym on board.. you can indulge a bit, but you know don't forget to work out.

    I will say biking while a boat rocks up and down is an odd sensation. It feels like you're biking on hills.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Options's vacation. I don't count calories on vacation. I find vacations and the like to be good practice for real life...the one I will lead when I get to maintenance...intuitive consumption and portion control. I've been doing this long enough to know what a portion of something looks like and what my daily caloric intake looks like. Sometimes you just have to take the safety net away and practice real world eating.

    To boot, when I'm on vacation, I'm generally a lot more active than I am day to day at home. I'm pretty much always out and about walking around...doing some activity, etc. Whereas at home, I'm pretty sedentary outside of my exercise and a little yard work and house work. A few years ago, my wife and I went to Belize for a couple of weeks. I didn't at all watch what I was eating and drank like a fish...I lost 5 Lbs in those two weeks. I think largely because we walked pretty much everywhere and I was scuba diving and snorkeling daily and we were out dancing in the evenings. Plus...eating a lot of fish and fresh probably less calories in general than I would consume at home on average back then.
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    I leave tomorrow for Jamaica for 5 days. Yippee! My first vacation with my hubby since our honeymoon 12 years ago (first vacation w/out our kiddos, I mean). I've been doing MFP for about a year, and have been busting my butt even harder for 3 months to get in "bathing suit" shape for this trip. I plan to splurge and enjoy myself and not worry. I've learned over the past 12 months that I can't stuff myself w/out feeling sick afterwards. Futhermore, after 12 months of clean eating, most rich foods and fried foods now make me sick, and I don't want to spend all my time in the bathroom if you know what I mean. BUT, I've paid too much for this trip to look back and wish I'd just let loose and enjoyed myself. I will eat what I want, within reason, and enjoy some yummy desserts that I don't eat in my regular life now. I look forward to 5 days of not tracking my food, to be truthful.

    So, although I think perhaps choosing ice cream as your main course for lunch may be a little over the top, I say enjoy yourself - within reason - and then hit it hard when you get back. HAVE FUN!
    EAPTX Posts: 42 Member
    Vacations tend to derail me. Since I am fortunate to be at a point in my life where I take five or six nice trips a year, that really matters if I let it derail me. So I've started looking at vacations as an opportunity to get lots more exercise, and walking at WDW would definitely fit that. I also find that if I stick to my plan and come through a vacation, holidays, or special event feeling virtuous, I am reenergized and motivated to keep going. After all, it is not as if I'm trying to just lose weight and then gain it back. I'm shooting for a total lifestyle makeover here, which includes severely limiting pigging out, or at least redefining it!

    But it is important that I keep it in perspective and forgive myself if I go over - and do the math. Like, it would be mathematically improbable to have gained so much real weight!
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    Yay for Disney World! I went 2 weeks ago! I wouldn't worry TOO MUCH while on vacation. I found this post before I went

    Also, I went with my mom. We did a lot of meal sharing since most of the meals are huge anyway. We'd get one and maybe some extra vegetables on the side and share everything. That helped us save money, not overeat (and stuff ourselves), and we still got to enjoy food that wasn't particularly healthy. Also, I got water with every meal. I drink water a lot anyway so the hardest part was drinking less so I wouldn't have to keep running to the bathroom.

    Have fun!!!!!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    you'll feel better coming back knowing you ate well on vacation instead of getting on the scale and feeling down for over indulging :) Just saying
  • hannahg03
    hannahg03 Posts: 6 Member
    I am going to disney also, and I was worred about the same thing. I am hoping to be able to uindulge on all the great food there but maybe stop myself and not gorege. We will have to see how it ends up!!
  • MensEtSalvere2013
    MensEtSalvere2013 Posts: 230 Member
    If you are looking for some sensible snacks to pack, an apple with peanut butter is a good option, almonds are great too and you can fit them into your purse, and also I don't know if you like peanuts or not but a bar I like is the Kellog's Fiber plus antioxidants Protein bar and what is good about it is that it is high in protein and fiber. Another snack idea I have is pretzles. Also drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself with all the walking you will do :). Anyways, I hope this helps, and of course enjoy your vacation and enjoy having some ive cream and a special treat for yourself while at Disney :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Doing what I always used to do is that added the weight in the first place. When I'm in restaurants or on vacation, I log everything I can and do my best estimate in restaurants. I stay in my calorie levels, but enjoy all my food. For me, the "lifestyle change" in all of this is that vacations are no longer about food.

    I have been on a few trips since I started in which I packed a few staples to help me limit sudden hunger while out: pre-measured amounts of trail mix, granola, almonds, etc. I always have stuff like that in my purse so that I am less tempted to have a double cone with sprinkles!
  • omaisilver
    If you are looking for some sensible snacks to pack, an apple with peanut butter is a good option, almonds are great too and you can fit them into your purse, and also I don't know if you like peanuts or not but a bar I like is the Kellog's Fiber plus antioxidants Protein bar and what is good about it is that it is high in protein and fiber. Another snack idea I have is pretzles. Also drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself with all the walking you will do :). Anyways, I hope this helps, and of course enjoy your vacation and enjoy having some ive cream and a special treat for yourself while at Disney :)

    Funny enough, those are the exact bars I packed for my breakfast!
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    And the ice cream....are you talking about a Dole Whip? I don't pass that up on a trip to The World either! LOL!

    I'm absolutely talking about those dole whips. My mom doesn't like them (she prefers getting a chocolate chip ice cream cone on Mainstreet) but I loovvee them.

    I may have to drive up there and have one with you!
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    I have been on my plan since Oct and had great success - that being said when my family and I went to Disneyland 2 weeks ago I stayed on track for what was put in front of me. I made "better" choices with food and snacks and stuck with water. We actually went shopping and took snacks with us so that made it easier. Weighing in a week later, I lost 1.9 pounds. (I'll take that). :)

    I would still track everything you eat and you'll know what you should eat and maybe decline.

    Good - Luck and have fun.
  • karamini
    karamini Posts: 21
    Just enjoy yourself! I leave for a 7 day vacation to Cuba this Saturday, and although I will try and be mindful of what I am consuming, I also plan to relax and indulge! I don't know about you, but it's not often I get the opportunity to go on vacation! For me the food probably won't be as big an issue as the extra calories from drinks haha but I'll make up for it when I get home! I hope you have a fun trip!
  • runningfool30
    runningfool30 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't think you have to abandon eating right while on vacation. A couple of weeks ago, I went on a trip for 4 days and didn't worry about how I was eating, no exercise, no logging my intake, etc... and when I got back home, I had gained about 4 lbs. I think you can be smart while on vacation and not feel like your diet is the main focus of your vacation. Try to eat fruits in the morning instead of a nutrigrain bar, add a good lunch with protein and veggies, and do the same for dinner. You can still have ice-cream and have fun, I think the main idea is to eat in moderation. With all of the walking you will be doing at Disney World/Land, make sure you log it and that will up your calorie goal for the day as well. You can have fun and eat healthy while on vacation, you just don't want to have to work extra hard when you get home to re-lose some weight that you already lost.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    Funny you ask because I just got home from Disney on Sunday! Like you, I was concerned that my hard work was going to be ruined. I’m very shocked to say that I actually lost 2 pounds during the trip! I did try to log while I was there. Disney doesn’t have their nutrition facts so I would log something similar. I had a pedometer that I used and we walked about 8 miles every day! Even with so much exercise I did still do my normal pilates at night. As for food….I ate a lot. However, I was conscious of what I was eating. I let myself have one treat per day and tried to not snack a lot. Disney does have healthy options at most of their restaurants and snack places. I usually ate a little over 2,000 calories a day but then I burned a lot from all of the walking. My best advice is just to have fun! Disney was so much fun and I had an amazing time!