Weight loss when recovering from surgery?

On 3rd March I was rushed into hospital and had my gallbladder removed. I lost 3lb after surgery (though I'd put 2lb on the previous week for no reason, being poorly perhaps?)
I have been dieting since August and lost 2.5 stones so far.
This week I have actually enjoyed my food for the first time in a year and have eaten loads! I didn't put any weight on though.
Do I need to eat more calories whilst my body is recovering from surgery, or am I ok to start slowly losing weight again?


  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    I am no physician, but according to this article just eat more smaller meals and gradually increase the fiber in your diet. I would think that slowly increasing your physical activity would help too.

    Ultimately I feel that you are the best judge of what you can handle, Simply don't push yourself too hard, but slowly see how you can push yourself comfortably.

    Here is the URL of the Article I read.

    Best of luck!

  • karrianne32
    karrianne32 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you. I am not avoiding any foods, just eating a varied diet. I'm just wondering whether I need to eat a certain amount of calories whilst my body is recovering!