Help 5 months in 43# down and 3 week plateau....advice?

I have been very consistent for 5 months logging my food etc.... I eat clean most of the time but still enjoy a meal out a couple times a week (although I make good choices). I've been progressing along at about 2# per week and then a complete halt. I have increased my exercise in the last 6 weeks or so, as I was in a cast for the first 4months. Could this be causing it? Aside from my daily exercise I am pretty sedentary. BTW I am still 40# away from goal.


  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    If you open your diary that would help people to comment.
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    Would you be able to give more info? Height, weight, and open food diary?
  • lklkl5
    lklkl5 Posts: 113 Member
    OK, diary opened, however keep in mind I am approaching this as a lifestyle change, so I enjoy foods off plan occasionally but always monitor my calories. I am 5'9 and currently 215.
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    I went through your diary back to mid February. One thing I'd say to watch, if you can, is sodium intake. Another thing, based on your age, height and weight, I think that you could be eating a bit more. Also, how active are you?

    Have you read this post yet?

    Give that a read, I think it might help you.

    Edit: I meant to ask if you're using a heart-rate monitor for exercise and a food scale when portioning meals. These things add up and make a huge difference.
  • lklkl5
    lklkl5 Posts: 113 Member
    Other than my daily workouts I am rather sedentary. Trying to get more exercise in. I do measure my food and use a food scale.