I need to join a challenge!!!

Does anyone know of any challenges starting up soon?


  • Jen0414
    Jen0414 Posts: 466 Member
    I want to join one too!!
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    Are you looking for motivation and support to lose weight and reach your goals. Then you should check out the new Boot Camp I just set up Truly Committed.

    This group is for anyone who is truly committed to losing weight and needs the help and support from others on the same journey. This will be an ongoing boot camp where you will be challenged to exercise, eat right and improve your overall health.

  • Jen0414
    Jen0414 Posts: 466 Member
    I just checked your group out and it looks very motivating.
    However I am not really into wearing a perdometer. I go to exercise classes both land and water.
    Not sure if it woul be a good fit.
    Does everyone in the group normally track there steps? Or is there another way?
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member

    I totally understand. I didn't think wearing a pedometer would get me to move more, but it really has. When I didn't track my steps I was lucky if I walked 3,000 steps a day. Now that I track, I set goals for myself and I move so much more when I normally would just be sitting it front of the computer.

    We will be here if you change your mind. Maybe pop over there and hang out for awhile, you might find that it is the right fit after all.
