People think I starve!!

Okay so today I really thought I was going to start my diet and I was so happy and motivated because I was gonna look like a skinny gal.

So i ate
1.5 servings of Kabab
0.5 cup of Brown rice
Grilled Chicken Drumstick
Lots of Water

Cinnamon Bun
Vanilla Cake with Buttercream icing.

Then I was planning on eating an apple,but I ate a cinnamon bun instead :(
Then since my friend is having her first child, I bought her a cake and she made me eat it :(

Then while we were eating she said it looks like you lost a few pounds. And then I said Oh hahhaha. Then my other friend who is really skiinnnnny (5'3" 109 lbs) was their said you've turned sooo tanned without getting a tan,you dont have enough nutrients in you.Why are your starving yourself?
That made me really sad because I am trying to eat healthy but people are just making fun of me for talking care of my body!!
I KNOW I am not starving myself. Now I don't feel like excersising oranything because people think that its funny that I think I'm fat! :(


  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    You're doing a great thing here. You're getting focus and that is tremendous.

    I want you to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're worth all this effort and then think of something, nice, but to the point that you can say to people who make silly comments...say, "I'm feeling pretty good about things..." and leave it there.

    If they ask too many questions try and smile and brush them off...shake the dirt from your sandles...!!!

    Don't ever give up bec' of what other people say, think, or believe...all that matters is that you are worth a wonderful life...hugs.
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    wow I am so sorry that they were so mean to you. Just know that you are worth it. I have been told that I don't eat enough also and I just look at what they are eating and feel sad that they are making themselves unhealthy but I am glad that I am making a better healthier decision. Just try and ignore them when they are saying that and try and brush off their negative comments. You are worth a healthier happier you.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    oh stop it, just get up and do what you gotta do. dont look or hear what your friends have to say about you. you are worth everything you are doing now <3 you know why? who knows maybe in the future they will be the one who will be in your spot... who just wants to be healthier and feel better about themselves.

    remember you are doing this for yourself not for others. and if you dont do it for yourself just cause of small little comments that says you wont do it.... you will fail...

    here is a great quote for you.

    in the end, it is not our dreams that we conquer. its is ourselves
    - John C. Maxwell

    sorry if i was a little rough...
    even for me i would like someone to tell me that.

    but i know you can do it and i believe in you! dont give up! cause this is what you want, not what others want.

    you are loved in MFP <3
  • 123gonnareachit
    Thanks guys! That is what I really needed right now :)
  • 123gonnareachit
    Thanks guys! That is what I really needed right now :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :drinker: when I weighed over 180 nobody ever said anything about what I was eating or about my health or anything........the more weight I lost, the more people thought they had a right to comment on my weight and what I was eating.......I have developed the "hide of a rhinoceros" in dealing with people........the only opinions that matter are what my hubby says and anything good that anyone else says.:laugh:

    You're doing this for yourself.......keep doing what is healthy for you.:bigsmile:
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    you are very welcome chica :)
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    People like to sabotage other peoples successes in anyway they can, I dont know why they do it but I come across it a lot. Mainly from other girls. Guys in my life with congratulate me on my weight loss and tell me I look good, or give really encouraging comments but girls... I recently had a girls night out and my weight come up. I had them all tell me how I now have a good shape and dont have to diet any further... and made me feel like an anorexic for wanting to lose more! I'm not anorexic, I am almost 190 pounds!!! And those comments came from among others medical professionals!!! I think there is a sub-conscious competition between girls to look the best. I can understand their identity becomes threatened when they see that we are no longer the fat friend, I think you have to learn to just brush off their comments and be confident that you are doing whats right for you.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I don't know why people do this. I do think people feel threatened by change. My husband has told me not to "go too far". I have become quite an exercise nut but I do eat my calories and they're usually pretty healthy ones. I was concerned when I looked at what you said you ate. I hope that was for one meal and not for the whole day?
  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    The other commentators are right- don't pay attention to others' critique, but ONLY if you really are not harming your body. If you are eating the right portions of the right foods, it's only for you to judge your progress towards your better health!!! Also, remember that others may comment negatively because they're so used to your weight that they think you're gonna stay the same size forever; or they maybe jealous. :-)

    Be responsible for your own choices too. No one can make you eat the cake if you CHOOSE not to. People who cannot understand your "no" are really mean and are not worth your friendship.

    Good luck! :-)
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Okay, I am going to go against the grain here.

    I think your friend might be onto something. I took a peek at your past posts, and about a month ago, you posted about just eating anything within your calorie range to lose weight. It appears that you aren't getting enough fruit & vegetables and your skin is looking poor.

    Eating meats and a little brown rice along with sugary desserts isn't a balanced diet. You need more fruits and vegetables, and I think your friend was just trying to help by telling you you aren't eating properly.

    Just saying. sorry if I am too blunt, but it's just what I thought from reading all your posts.
  • lovingmyjaybird
    My Aunt who is a vindictive female dog, and I started our diets around the same time. I rarely talk to her, I only know this because she's on my facebook...

    She's 52.. I'm 20... I've lost 56 lbs.. she's lost 13..

    So she posted on facebook, Down 13 lbs, proud of myself, but all anyone ever notices is the one that starves herself.

    I know she's talking about me, because DAILY I get 10-15 comments from family members encouraging and congratulating me.. I started at 269 lbs.. she started at 200.. So yeah it's a little easier for me to take off the weight ya know.

    I had a cousin send me a message saying

    "Are you eating enough. I'm so proud of you, but some of the fam is concerned about your health"

    Uh yeah, I eat 5 times a day FIVE... I'm eating enough.. Thanks for the concern tho', I'm doing just fine..

    56lbs in 6 months is healthy!