Fail and fail again!

So I've always been fighting a losing battle to lose weight, and yeah I know I shouldn't be punishing myself for mistakes, and just start again the next day but..
I wish i could just stick to a diet and lose some weight!! Uhhh, I have no motivation, and the scales are showing that too!!
Has anyone got any tips or tricks to motivate myself to make the healthy choices when they count??
Thanks guys!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Don't try to be perfect. It's okay to not stick with it 100% of the time. No one does.

    You're 18 and need to lose 19 pounds? When I was your age I could eat pretty much what I wanted and maintain because I was pretty active.

    How much do you weigh now, and how tall are you? What are you doing for activity?
  • I''ve never had that dream metabolism and have normally been pretty chunky. Last year I lost weight without trying and was so pleased, but over the year I've put on nearly 2 stone (no medical reason, already checked).
    I'm 5"4, and would like to get back down near my lowest weight of 8 st 5. I'm 138 pounds right now!
    Not much activity, but don't really have the time or chance to be very active!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Well, you're already in your healthy weight range (23.5% BF). To force your body to lose fat it doesn't want to lose, you're going to have to step up your activity. Try some weight lifting. Most bang for your buck. And relax, you're not overweight. You are striving for some random ideal number on the scale that may or may not be reachable since you're not willing to make time for exercise.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I have a whole new attitude about my health and lifestyle changes since joining MFP. One is that there is no such thing as failing. We are all cognizant adults that are where we are health wise by the genetics lotto and our reaction/action to our environments. We are all on the path to obtain a level of fitness that is different than when we started here.

    There are no failures, only discovery of less than effective changes.. keep looking and trying for the lifestyle change that works for you.

    For me, I look back and the biggest reason I gained weight was my relationship with food. I changed that in 2012, and I like the results from my new relationship with food. I don't mindlessly eat anything now, and I consider the consequences and rewards of any thing I eat before I eat it.

    Now getting more active is really ramping up.