Drowning my sadness in chocolate!

Oh what a few days I've had!
A friend of mine, the same age, two beautiful children, a lovely hubby and a great life passed away Monday!
I'm so shocked! She was one of the fittest people I knew, we used to swim together and she'd outdo me every time even though she'd cycled there. She went to the gym, skiied, walked .. the picture of health, or so I thought!
She was taken away from us, her family & friends by bowel cancer. What a shock!
It's made me think about things and plummeted me to the ground .... no matter how fit I get, how much weight I lose, something unexpected could come and get me at any time .. so what am I doing this for????
Yesterday I spent the day on the sofa, eating chocolate (terrible I know and today I feel awful for having done it)! Thinking about my life, how much my family need me and how I feel generally! The questions and answers came thick and fast, but, I'm still reeling from it all .... I'm still so sad ...
I do know that it's true, you never know what's round the corner, but you can't base all your life choices on that .. you need to take each day as it comes, live life to the full, carry on with all your aims, goals, dreams, lose that weight, fit into that dress, love like you've never loved before. Be happy!
And to me ... don't beat yourself up about all that chocolate .. today's another day!

I can't imagine what her children and husband are going through, I send all my love and hugs to them at this very sad time, a beautiful lady has been taken from us too soon.

Take care xxx


  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I had an ex student a few weeks ago pass away by taking his life. He was 16. I understand how sad you must feel. I was lucky to know him. His tragedy could have easily put me in a binge. Hang in there.
  • catfan
    catfan Posts: 90 Member
    :cry: HUGS TO YOU!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I am so sorry. What a tragic situation for all. Hopefully you came to the realization that while there are no promises of a tomorrow for any of us, that you are choosing to be healthy for TODAY (and yourself, and your family!). Hugs to you!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. Sometimes life seems unfair, this is definitely one of those times. I am sending you and her family prayers and positive thoughts.

    The one thing I want to touch on, is that you are feeling like there is no purpose to what you have been working for. Yes, any one of us could be taken unexpectedly, but chances are slimmer the better you care for yourself.

    Don't be hard on yourself for overindulging, sometimes it is nice just to now that something is the same. Sounds like your friend was very active. When you are feeling up to it and want to get back to being more active yourself allow yourself to feel that moment... I bet she is right there with you cheering you on.