Females looking to lose 15-20 lbs!

I am a 22 year old looking for friends to support and motivate to lose about 20 pounds or so. Feel free to add me :)


  • same here, my goal is 15-20 lbs
  • My goal is about 20 pounds as well!
  • soreal1
    soreal1 Posts: 1
    my goal is 15-20 lbs i need to know what i can an can not eat......
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    hey all,
    my goal is 17 pounds
    I'll send you all a request :)
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    I have 17lbs to lose (maximum, maybe less) on the scales but my main goal is regular exercise at the moment as I think that will bring about the changes I want to see more so than the numbers will. I'm starting this by doing the 30ds with a great group of people on here.

    Good luck and add me if you like. ????
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    My goal is to lose 15lbs by april 15th...my birthday!! Right now I am averaging 1-2lbs a week. so to get to my 15lb goal, I need to loose like 3lbs a week. Probably not going to happen. But Id sure like to get as close as humanly possible!!
  • AmandaMarie916
    AmandaMarie916 Posts: 75 Member
    20 lbs would be nice. Add me if you would like :)
  • LiveLoveLaughAlways
    LiveLoveLaughAlways Posts: 17 Member
    Hey:)Feel free to add me..Im looking to lose 15 pounds and tone:)Any helpful hints on work outs at home would be great:)