How did you find your ideal caloric intake?

So I did the whole newbie thing and started out at 1200 calories, not eating back exercise. That lasted for about 2.5 weeks until I did some more research both online and here on the boards. I began eating back my calories, plus some- shooting for a net of 1400 calories. I did that for about 5 additional weeks. Over all that time, I lost 6 lbs total (not sure when most of that took place though).

Due to the fact that I have a lot of additional weight and could safely lose 2+lbs per week, I upped my intake to the amount originally recommended by MFP; 1650 net. I confirmed this number with several other weightloss calculators and such.... but 5 weeks later and I have only lost 1lb since the changes. Total loss is now about 7lbs after 12+ weeks of diet and intense/varied exercise.

For people who have played around with their intake levels, how did you find your ideal number? How many weeks did it take to find what you were looking for? And if you aren't getting the right results, how do you know if you should increase or decrease that amount?


  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    At this point I'm thinking a doctor's appointment is in order, but my PC doctor is an idiot... :(