I never see this mentioned, but how about slow metabolisms?



  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I used to believe I had a fast metabolism that slowed with age until I really started thinking about it. Yes, when I was 18 I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain a pound, but then I was very active. I was on the Tae-Kwon-Do team in high school and worked out 45-50 minutes a day to complete muscle failure. Seriously, I couldn't climb the stairs right after a class! I rode my horse every day after school. I went dancing on the weekends for hours. Heck, I spent half an hour a day hauling around a 20+ pound backpack all over campus, up and down stairs, etc..

    Now, I sit. All day long. I don't have to change classes. I don't carry around 20+ pounds of books. I rarely climb stairs and I haven't taken a Tae-Kwon-Do class in 20 years. I ride my horse once or twice a week and I never go dancing. My workouts are deliberate activities with goals in mind as opposed to the active lifestyle I used to lead without even thinking about it.

    I'm 5'4" and 140 pounds. My BMR is 1297. My metabolism isn't slow. I am. :wink:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    The numbers you get from the calculators are just averages...the average joe or jane at such and such an age, height, weight, etc. Most people wall within a reasonable margin of error for those averages. A "slow" metabolism is usually due to some sort of medical disorder, hormonal imbalance, medication, etc.

    Yes, I've had to play with my numbers a bit...my metabolism is about 10% slower than the average for someone of my same stats due to some medication that I'm on.

    If you feel that you may have a slow metabolism, you should most definitely see a doctor and get some blood work done to check for thyroid issues or other medical conditions. I'd also recommend having your BMR, etc actually tested. Also, research any meds you may be on to see if a side effect is weight gain (because that med is slowing your metabolism).
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    And from what I can tell, 1373 is very low for a 20yo 162 lb female. Especially as I was standing, so I'm assuming the scale picked up my standing metabolism.

    I think the answer is right here. You don't test someone's metabolism accurately by having them stand on a scale. Sounds like Hocus Pocus medicine to me and highly unlikely it was anywhere close to correct.

    This was my thought exactly.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Those who says that metabolism is not a factor, I tell them Horse****! :grumble:

    My ex ate 3 times his weight and ate only pizza, mcDo, pasta and that kind of stuff, and was big as an asparagus!:angry:
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    Franc, why don't you accept the help you are being given about the various ways metabolism can vary in people? When anyone says a "slow metabolism", yes not everyone is the same some are slower then others, but it all comes down to body makeup (fat/lean muscle), calories are calories, but eating healthier calories determines what your body makeup is, etc., daily activity determines calories burnt, what your exercise routine is determines calories burned and burnt throughout the day etc. After reading this post, it seems that you want to challenge each explanation posters are giving you. What I recommend is put your info in, height/weight,age, activities, goals, etc give it a month to see where things go and start a exercise program along with it.

    I was one of those people that could eat what they want and not gain weight or I wasn't fat so to speak, but what you don't realize when guys like me do eat a big meal, we don't do it every meal. Or I will say I was way more active back when I was like that, but as I have grown older and slowed down, it isn't the same. I am still not fat, but fat in my own eyes compared to what I use to be, but that is because not that my metabolism has slowed down, I have.

    What I am saying is take the advice people are giving you or explanations if you need them and apply them, don't keep questioning them. These are people just like you that had doubts, but have put for the effort to overcome them doubts and know that these tools work. I hope the best for you in your efforts!!!!

    Here are the facts: Total calories dictate how much weight a person gains or loses; macronutrient ratios dictate what a person gains or loses. Here is a great tool and a website full of useful information in helping you achieve what you are looking for. http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ It has helped me learn so much about getting in shape, and not about weight loss. We need to remember, this is getting in shape not about losing weight, which is a portion of it.

    This!! No point re-writing what has already been put so well.
    Good luck :smile: