To hire a personal trainer or not?

I've been loosing weight since last summer, and through some ups and downs, I've lost 34 pounds and 21" so far. I only have approx 21 pounds left to lose.

I'm currently counting calories here 1550 /day plus some of my exercise cals.
I'm half way through Insanity
I started running last week C25K.

My brother-in-law just got engaged, and his fiancee asked me to be a bridesmaid. The wedding is June 22. I've ordered the dress 1 size down from my current, but I really hope to be able to take it in yet another size...

Is hiring a personal trainer worth it to guarentee the last 21 pounds in 3 months, or does this seem like a manageable goal I could achieve on my own doing another round of insanity and keeping up with running and cal counting.

I just want to guage how everyone here values the help of a trainer to reach goals that are possible but difficult at the same time.



  • time4changexx
    time4changexx Posts: 103 Member
    Do it yourself. If your true to yourself with your calories and workouts you can do it. May i suggest the 30DS? Its almost a guven youll drop a size or two throughout even if that scale doesnt move much. I only lost 3lbs doing it but lost 4 inches each from my hips, waist, & bust & dropped a size.
  • dstromley1
    dstromley1 Posts: 165
    i cant speak for all trainers but the ones at my gym are a joke. you can do it alone
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    Hard to say, but for me it works. I started with one a few weeks ago when I started making a serious attempt to get fit. I can certainly hop on the treadmill or elliptical without adult supervision, but having learned the importance of strength training as well as cardio, I need the help. I'm learning the machines, and for me, at this time, I need to be accountable to someone. I see him only once a week, then do things on my own. I'm going to keep going with this for a while.
  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    IMHO a personal trainer is a waste of money. I mean think about it...they can't/won't teach you everything or much "properly" because then they would be out of a job eventually. And I wanted to become a personal trainer...
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    OK - Thanks! This was different advice than I thought I'd get - saves a bit of money too! :)

    Motivation in general is not an issue for me -there are days I don't work out, but overall, I'm on track to exercising...I just thought I might need that added push once I need to just lose 10 pounds or so, but I'll keep pushing on my own!

    Thanks for taking the time all
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    IMHO it would be worth a couple of sessions just to make sure you are on the right track. I'm considering it myself as I've been working my backside off for 3 months now (of course, that's in my opinion too!) and not lost any weight or inches. Rather than give up I'm thinking about getting some expert advice to try to pinpoint what I'm doing wrong.

  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    If you want to start training at a gym, then it may be a good idea to at least get a couple of sessions to work on your form, and maybe get a few ideas on what your program should look like.

    Weight loss goals are something you can definitely achieve on your own, especially since you've already lost a significant amount of weight. I think 21 pounds in 12 weeks maybe be a bit high, but it can be done.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    A personal trainer can only do so much - they aren't a guarantee of a certain amount of weight loss. Do I think they are worth it - most of the time, especially since you know nothing about working out. But they can only motivate you so much...