it's the little things...

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
that rock. my posture is way improved withougt my even trying - i just sit and stand better i guess because my muscles are used to being used, if that makes any sense. and i'm becoming a water drinker, sugar is beginning to give me a headache (because i don't eat it much anymore) and i can see my ankle bones, collar bones and muscle definintion in my legs and arms. who needs the scale when you have all that? what are your little things you see, because i want to start looking for them in me!


  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    I noticed a bigger "bump" and muscle line in my arms, my tummy definitely doesn't stick out so much, my collar bone and even my shoulder bones are more noticable! :happy:
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    Like you I can see my ankle bones again, my shorts that have always been tight are getting to the point I can pull them off with out unbuttoning them. I am seeing muscles that I have not seen any many many moons.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I can feel my collar bones when i'm relaxed instead of pushing them out, lol! I get second looks when I go out for a run around the neighborhood. I used to not be able to keep up with my dog - now he can't keep up with me!!
  • I only have one chin

    I can see my collar bone

    My old skinny jeans fall OFF

    No more necklace extenders!!!!!!!!!

    My hair is healthier from eating healthier

    Exercise is my new coffee.. gives me so much energy

    I'm happier, to the point that since November, I have been completely weened off my Zoloft!!!!!!

    I wear my clothes with confidance

    I can shop in misses AND juniors..NOT plus size!!!!

    Oh yeah and I'm down 56 lbs.. I can't ignore that
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