Feeling Tired and Drained



  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    It could be the time change but its never affected me before but I've also never been exercising and eating healthy during a time change either.
    I'm not exactly sure on the protein cause I do usually just pay attention to what MFP shows but I have a Protein shake every morning with 2 scoops to make sure I get enough daily
    I've been doing P90X for the last 4 weeks and really haven't taken a day off from working out in 66 days.
    And I haven't noticed any signs of a cold or flu coming on
    I do work about 50hrs a week, come home to my daughter in a mad rush for dinner, cleanup, bath, storytime, workout and bed. Weekends consist of cleaning, cooking, working out and errands so I just feel like I never get a break from anything
  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    I will definitely try to up my calories a bit. I figured that could also be why I haven't been lolsing weight for a while either even though I bust my butt working out everyday. And my job consists of constant walking all day
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I like the idea of taking a week off. Probably it helps the mind too.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    If ti is just the last few days, it may be as simple as...The time change.

    I had a HARD time sleeping for the first three nights and just that SIMPLE HOUR has borked me up. If in 2 more days you are back to normal, it was probably that. :)

    ^^^this perfectly describes my last three days! Tonight I'm feeling more like myself. If it is new this week, you might want to wait a few days. Otherwise, I would follow the advice you have been getting- eat more & drop your intensity for a week.
  • meaningful99
    It could be the time change but its never affected me before but I've also never been exercising and eating healthy during a time change either.
    I'm not exactly sure on the protein cause I do usually just pay attention to what MFP shows but I have a Protein shake every morning with 2 scoops to make sure I get enough daily
    I've been doing P90X for the last 4 weeks and really haven't taken a day off from working out in 66 days.
    And I haven't noticed any signs of a cold or flu coming on
    I do work about 50hrs a week, come home to my daughter in a mad rush for dinner, cleanup, bath, storytime, workout and bed. Weekends consist of cleaning, cooking, working out and errands so I just feel like I never get a break from anything

    Girl, I'm tired just reading this! Your body is telling you it wants rest. Rest days let your muscles rebuild.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    It could be the time change but its never affected me before but I've also never been exercising and eating healthy during a time change either.
    I'm not exactly sure on the protein cause I do usually just pay attention to what MFP shows but I have a Protein shake every morning with 2 scoops to make sure I get enough daily
    I've been doing P90X for the last 4 weeks and really haven't taken a day off from working out in 66 days.
    And I haven't noticed any signs of a cold or flu coming on
    I do work about 50hrs a week, come home to my daughter in a mad rush for dinner, cleanup, bath, storytime, workout and bed. Weekends consist of cleaning, cooking, working out and errands so I just feel like I never get a break from anything

    I think you have put your finger on the problem---you need a bit of rest. I would concentrate on the veggies--really, they never fail to energize. Do you have one of those two-part vegetable steamers as part of your cookware? I keep mine washed out and sitting on the back of my stove all the time so it is there telling me, "It isn't that much trouble to steam some veggies! Now...come on---there's already water in the pot under me. Go to the freezer...." I always buy frozen vegetables when they are on sale so that I have no excuse. (Just watch the ones from China. Ninety per cent of their rivers and streams are mega-polluted from their rapid industrialization without any pollution regulations whatsoever. They irrigate their crops with that HEAVILY polluted water---industrial runoff--heavy metals, PCBs, toxic chemicals etc.).
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I will definitely try to up my calories a bit. I figured that could also be why I haven't been lolsing weight for a while either even though I bust my butt working out everyday. And my job consists of constant walking all day

    It sounds like you could use a few more. Your protein looks really good btw, better than mine. ;) But I think with P90x and similar videos you're supposed to eat around 1800.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It could be the time change but its never affected me before but I've also never been exercising and eating healthy during a time change either.
    I'm not exactly sure on the protein cause I do usually just pay attention to what MFP shows but I have a Protein shake every morning with 2 scoops to make sure I get enough daily
    I've been doing P90X for the last 4 weeks and really haven't taken a day off from working out in 66 days.
    And I haven't noticed any signs of a cold or flu coming on
    I do work about 50hrs a week, come home to my daughter in a mad rush for dinner, cleanup, bath, storytime, workout and bed. Weekends consist of cleaning, cooking, working out and errands so I just feel like I never get a break from anything

    Girl, I'm tired just reading this! Your body is telling you it wants rest. Rest days let your muscles rebuild.

    Also this-- you need rest days.
  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    I don't have a steamer but I do have frozen and fresh veggies that a let simmer in boiling water, but not for too long. I also eat raw veggies and have 2 cups of Kale in my protein shake every morning. I also have at least 2-3 fresh fruits daily
  • aponia
    aponia Posts: 28
    After reading all that you do on a daily basis and the amount you are working out, I'm sure your body is simply exhausted. It may sound strange, but losing weight is very taxing on your body and your health, although the long term benefits vastly outweigh (no pun) feeling like crap for a while. Everyone has different calorie needs and their activity level is much different, but calculate cooking dinner, playing with your kids, going shopping, and cleaning the house, as calorie burning activities. Sometimes you burn WAY more calories than you think you do because you aren't just hanging out at the gym and watching the clock as you stairmaster your buns off.

    When you think about it, you're starving yourself and putting excess strain on your body to lose weight fast and see results fast. It takes years to become overweight and the sudden shift in gears takes its toll.

    As much as our biological clocks love schedule and routine, I've found that weight loss does not. Vary your calorie intake from day to day; take a day off from strenuous exercise and don't do anything physical that isn't required; allow your body to rest and heal and regain some of the energy it's using to melt away all that fat.

    Listen to your body. It's trying to tell you what it needs.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    You're eating around 1200 calories a day, sometimes less. Of course you're tired.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    You should try upping your calories to actually fit your needs.

    Try using the calculators here to find what your needs are:

    And read this:

    Also try taking a week off of exercise.

    If these don't work, see a doctor.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Eat a lil more.. adding 100-200 calories at time with the deficit you're in now won't cause weight gain.. and you might need to increase your water intake. I get tired when I'm even a little dehydrated.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...I just feel like I never get a break from anything.

    This might be a huge part of the problem. You need to find a way to take some personal time. :flowerforyou:
  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    I know it looks like I don't eat but I do and what I eat fills me up and I hardly feel hungry
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    I know it looks like I don't eat but I do and what I eat fills me up and I hardly feel hungry

    yeah... but you feel tired and drained.

    it's any easy solution, maybe you should try it?

    food fuels your body.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I know it looks like I don't eat but I do and what I eat fills me up and I hardly feel hungry
    Good for you. Apparently you like feeling tired and drained then, so keep on doing as you're doing and take no advice.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I know it looks like I don't eat but I do and what I eat fills me up and I hardly feel hungry
    Hardly feeling hungry on a deficit is normal eventually. Ask any long term anorexic how much food makes them feel bloatedly full.

    You just got a bunch of advice from a bunch of people who are fairly slim. I'd take their advice if I were you. I know when we have weight on we sometimes think things like 'oh they don't understand because they're smaller and don't need to lose weight'. But the chemistry and math of weight loss does not change just because you think it should. Don't learn it the hard way. How many over weight people have I seen hitting brick walls exercising their *kitten* off while saying 'if I ate like that I'd gain gazillion pounds'...and then they smarten up start eating sensibly and the weight drops off consistently.
  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    I never said I wasn't going to take the advice. I appreciate it and that's why I posted this. I was just stating a fact that I do eat and have never felt like I don't eat enough. But apparently I don't so I will try to incorporate a little more into my daily caloric intake. every thing else but MFP shows I should be getting at least 1550 calories a day. It doesn't seem like much more but I guess I will start with that. I am still new to this and trying to learn how to do this the right and healthy way. So again, I appreciate the advice! And this may be a stupid question but again, I'm still trying to figure all this out. Is the 1550 what I should eat daily without exercise or total? Did I need to be eating the calories back that I burn as well?