bicep/tricep blues

mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been working out since February pretty regularly and do bicpeps and triceps once a week (occasionally twice a week). I've noticed that when I flex, my arms are definately harder and a little bigger. BUT, when at rest, they don't appear to have changed at all. In fact, they still appear skinny and if I hold my arm out the slap the bottom part by my tricep, it still jiggles a bit. What gives? I have been hoping to have firm arms at some point.


  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I love Jillian's armed and dangerous video. It kicks! You just need to do more arm work that's all. Give it time coconut arms are just around the corner!
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I am on my 7th week of P90X and so far I haven't noticed much of a difference in my arms. I never lifted weights or anything like that until I started doing the program. My husband just keeps reminding me that it takes time. So my advice to you is keep working at it and over time your Bicep/Tricep's will improve.
  • fit4kim
    fit4kim Posts: 15 Member
    Everybody's arms jiggles at rest. Go up to a body builder and ask that they rest their arm and see if their tri's will. But with that said a fun thing you can do is counter top push ups and dips at the edge of a bathtub. I do them as often as I can. A set or two in between dishes or gathering laundry or whatever. At the end of the day the sets can rack up to 200 or more repetitions. Its fun, its easy...try it three times a week, or every other day. :D
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I am sure your body is building muscles...however I am not able to see your body properly in the photo, but if there is fat on you, it will take time for the toneness to show, until the fat trims down.

    If you notice the people on P90X they are already slim, and they go through a whole different program, they follow the P90X eating plan and suppliment and shakes.

    P90X does work and the fact you are seeing muscles when you flex, proves that, however it will take time to show at rest, if there is still fat above the muscle

    Also, you are male...ensure you are using heavier weights and doing less reps, like what Tony does in the video, to get more ripped
  • BeautyNBriefcase
    BeautyNBriefcase Posts: 38 Member
    Good morning. remember you're building muscle. if you're doing the same exercise every week, then your arms have developed a memory. you need to shock yourself. change up your routine.

    Try doing back/bi's and chest/tris, then when you do legs or walking on treadmill, extend arms out sideways and do 30 arms circles in one direction and 30 in the other.

    Free exercise and you'll see results.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    One day while I was exercising to a Taebo Bootcamp DVD at home, I was doing some kind of arm exercise and noticed that the underside of the arms of all of those super fit people in Billy Blanks' crew were flopping around too. They all have beautiful arm muscles, but that move made me realize that it's normal for a little jiggle under the arms.... just maybe not as much as my arms jiggle. :smile:

    And... I went ahead and bought a sequined tank top the next day. Who cares if my arms jiggle?
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