Chicken Alfredo Stir Fry

hannah1011z Posts: 113 Member
This was an amazing yummy and fun dish that i just had to share because its actually not that bad for you, its super filling, and it tastes amazing. Its a great alternative to frozen foods and boxed foods such as macaroni and cheese.


1 cup of creamy alfedo sauce
3 cups of wheat alfredo noodles (I used wheat but any type of noodle works)
1 cup fresh cut brocolli
1/2 cup red bell pepper (or any other color you might perfer)
1/4 cup chopped musherooms
1 cup chopped white meat chicken breast

All you do is boil the noodles in a pan until theyre semi soft, and cook your chicken until its done, and then get out your skillet pan, put 1/3 cup water and 1 tbs oil, and mix in all of the ingrediants until the vegatiables and everything else is the texture you perfer. add in the alfredo and let it heat up and then it should be finished. It tasted amazing and here are calorie ex. counts:

If you eat 1.5 cups of your finished stir fry, you will consume:

190 calories
32 carbs
1 fat
12 protein
790 sodium
7 sugar.

This might sound like a lot, but when you compare it to other full filling meals you may consume, this is a great deal! Its not hard, and its way filling. I know 1.5 cups sounds like a small amount, but it filled me up so much that i could barely finish. And i weigh now 341. So its a great idea and i would only really recommend this recipe for two servings, if you have like a 4 person family or more i would double the amount of products used accordingly.