Cellucor Supplements?

Has anyone used them? What did they do for you if anything? I have been reccomended them by a friend and want to know if I should invest in them


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Has anyone used them? What did they do for you if anything? I have been reccomended them by a friend and want to know if I should invest in them

    Not terrible albeit a little pricey
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Preworkout is okay, although very expensive. And not that tasty. That's all I've tried though. :)
  • Nauti_Buoy
    Nauti_Buoy Posts: 135
    I've been using cellucor for a few months. You have to cycle off of it because your body gets use to it. Its a thermogenic so you will tweak balls if you pop two before a meeting. If your not moving once it sets in youll feel a little jittery, sweat a little. I took them then when I cycled off switched to creatine and lost lots of weight. Little pricey though
  • lilteeraw
    lilteeraw Posts: 261
    Doesnt make me feel jittery... but ive seen my abs pop out lately... could be from them or it could be from just working out.
    ill never know.
  • lmcgrad
    lmcgrad Posts: 28
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    I don't find the cellucor pre-workout gets me going as well as the 1MR from bpi.