Will Be Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow

mlauraa Posts: 166 Member
Has anybody done it..how much weight did you lose doing it?


  • im currently on day 9 level 1. So far i have lost 2 lbs and a inch in my waist, hips,and bust. Best advice to you is dont quit! i was in so much pain days 1-3 that i could have cried. by day 4 i was feeling better and now on day 9 i feel great and can get through the work out without calling jillian bad names :) good luck and just keep going!
  • jessvaughn74
    jessvaughn74 Posts: 164 Member
    I am currently on Level 1 Day 9. I have to admit though I do not do it everyday. I try to do it every other day and in between I do cardio. The first 2 days were the worst. It has gotten much easier. Little piece of advice....be careful of neck...since I was on the floor I was craning my neck to see it and after the first day my neck was in so much pain.

    I have lost 6lbs...3 inches off my waist...1 off my hips...2 off my neck...4 off my thighs...gained 1 in my calf...no change in arms.

    The hardest part fo rme are the jumping jacks...anyone have this trouble? lol...im just so uncoordinated!!!!
  • Zimabob
    Zimabob Posts: 8
    I have done the 30DS in the past, but never followed the program. That is to say, I've done all three levels quite a lot over the past several years, but always alternated them with other workouts and didn't stick with the 10 days per level plan. Since you are just beginning, I would suggest 3 lb weights. I use 5 lb weight for most moves, and use 8 lb weights with some of them (for lvl 1 I use the 8 lbs for the back rows, bicep curls, and chest flies). If you stick with it, you will definitely lose weight!
  • stephaniethomas80
    stephaniethomas80 Posts: 190 Member
    I did it starting January 1st. I consumed about 1400 cals a day. I did it 30 days straight and never took a rest day. I used 2 lb weights and even with those I was sore as heck for the first week. I lost 2 pant sizes and dropped from 163 lbs to 149 lbs. Good luck with it and give it your full effort no matter how much it hurts !

  • katief1982
    katief1982 Posts: 16 Member
    Just started (will be day 3)

    When will the pain in my legs reduce? I work on the 2nd floor and don't use the lift. Directors are in this week so I am up and down between floor - I don't think I can hack walking up and down the stairs today... PLEASE someone tell me it gets better!

    I am only on level one - feel such a weakling! When did people first notice the improvements? I am not too fust over the weight loss aspect, I want to see the inches reduce, Would one week be to soon to measure again? Way I am feeling I need to see the benefits so want to count down to this point as a motivator

    My "before" pictures are terrible - I looked better at 28 weeks pregnant! at least there was a baby in there, not its just stomach mass :(
  • jessvaughn74
    jessvaughn74 Posts: 164 Member
    Just started (will be day 3)

    When will the pain in my legs reduce? I work on the 2nd floor and don't use the lift. Directors are in this week so I am up and down between floor - I don't think I can hack walking up and down the stairs today... PLEASE someone tell me it gets better!

    I am only on level one - feel such a weakling! When did people first notice the improvements? I am not too fust over the weight loss aspect, I want to see the inches reduce, Would one week be to soon to measure again? Way I am feeling I need to see the benefits so want to count down to this point as a motivator

    My "before" pictures are terrible - I looked better at 28 weeks pregnant! at least there was a baby in there, not its just stomach mass :(

    I took measurements after one week. I do not do the shred everyday though..i do it every other day and walk on my off days. I was really sore the first 3 days. My legs and knees were the worst. I would say I felt the best around day 5...on day 8 I was surprised how fast I could get up off the floor...all the other days I was still grunting my way up when she was on rep 2 or 3 of the next exercise..lol.

    It will get better..just stick with it and dont get discouraged. Feel free to add me..always looking for friends doing the same workouts!
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    I am on day 5 of level 2. I have actually gained 2 pounds but Ive lost several inches!
  • stephaniethomas80
    stephaniethomas80 Posts: 190 Member
    Just started (will be day 3)

    When will the pain in my legs reduce? I work on the 2nd floor and don't use the lift. Directors are in this week so I am up and down between floor - I don't think I can hack walking up and down the stairs today... PLEASE someone tell me it gets better!

    I am only on level one - feel such a weakling! When did people first notice the improvements? I am not too fust over the weight loss aspect, I want to see the inches reduce, Would one week be to soon to measure again? Way I am feeling I need to see the benefits so want to count down to this point as a motivator

    My "before" pictures are terrible - I looked better at 28 weeks pregnant! at least there was a baby in there, not its just stomach mass :(

    It gets better I promise! I couldn't even go from standing to sitting and vice versa for the first 3 days without agony. It got a little better around day 5 and then by day 7 just a few dull aches. I started her ripped in 30 after the shred and I never once was in the pain the next day. So I truly believe the 30DS is a great foundation for getting fit :)
  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    My profile pic is basically a before and after shot for me with 30DS. I finished on Tuesday and I loved it. My biggest piece of advice is DO IT EVERY DAY. Sure, there were nights we were busy and I couldn't, but I made sure to get back on track the next day and I never took more than one day off in any given week.

    This is not made to be something you do on occasion. It's a fairly strict workout plan and I think your results will be much much greater if you take it seriously. Good luck!!
  • melw2910
    melw2910 Posts: 73 Member
    I found that by Day 4 Level 1 I could get through the whole thing without wanting to die by the end!! Today will be day 5 and I can move without squeaking in pain :happy:
    Keep going it gets better
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I have done it and I loved it, I lost mostly inches rather than pounds, I plan on this being the first thing I do after I have the baby and am cleared to jump and lift.
  • tuxedord2
    tuxedord2 Posts: 69 Member
    Is the 20 minute youtube version the same as the dvd?
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    I started yesterday evening (3/13) for the first time and plan to do it in 30 days straight. I'd love to have some motivation from friends who are also doing the program. Feel free to add me - I have an open diary and while I'm not too active on other parts of the site, I do log on everyday and read through a lot of forum posts.

    I took my starting measurements this morning (I've always heard to take measurements after 7-8 hours of sleep, before you do anything else) and will update this post when I get home and don't have to try to remember what all the measurements were.

    Notes about Day 1: It definitely seemed difficult while I was doing it, and I was out of breath by the middle of the first circuit. I had difficulty walking down a flight of stairs immediately afterwards (up wasn't a problem haha). As for today, I'm definitely feeling the workout in my back/shoulders (thank you, push-ups!) and my thigh/butt area.

    Good luck to all who are starting soon/ who have started recently! Let's motivate each other!

    p.s. How are you all entering it in your exercise diaries?? You can check mine out to see how I entered it yesterday -- not sure if it's really that accurate, but oh well. I don't eat my exercise cals, I just track so I have a record of my activities.
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    Is the 20 minute youtube version the same as the dvd?

    Yeppers! I bought the Dvd after using the youtube video because my sucky Internet kept going in and out during the workout.
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    Is the 20 minute youtube version the same as the dvd?

    Not sure, but that's what I'm using. I think it's 27 minutes total? It doesn't look like there is anything missing...

    Annnnd too late. haha
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I'm starting level 2 tonight, and I've lost one pound since March 4. I feel like I've lost inches, though, as my clothes are definitely more loose and I feel tighter. The biggest change I've noticed is that my butt seems to be disappearing. I didn't exactly want that to happen (and my fiance certainly didn't!) but it is nice to fit into skinny jeans and not look like an ice cream cone. I will be measuring at Day 15 and Day 30. I'll let you know!
  • jessvaughn74
    jessvaughn74 Posts: 164 Member
    I started yesterday evening (3/13) for the first time and plan to do it in 30 days straight. I'd love to have some motivation from friends who are also doing the program. Feel free to add me - I have an open diary and while I'm not too active on other parts of the site, I do log on everyday and read through a lot of forum posts.

    I took my starting measurements this morning (I've always heard to take measurements after 7-8 hours of sleep, before you do anything else) and will update this post when I get home and don't have to try to remember what all the measurements were.

    Notes about Day 1: It definitely seemed difficult while I was doing it, and I was out of breath by the middle of the first circuit. I had difficulty walking down a flight of stairs immediately afterwards (up wasn't a problem haha). As for today, I'm definitely feeling the workout in my back/shoulders (thank you, push-ups!) and my thigh/butt area.

    Good luck to all who are starting soon/ who have started recently! Let's motivate each other!

    p.s. How are you all entering it in your exercise diaries?? You can check mine out to see how I entered it yesterday -- not sure if it's really that accurate, but oh well. I don't eat my exercise cals, I just track so I have a record of my activities.

    I post is as circuit training. Several people I asked said they post it the same way. Others i know use a HRM and it shows more calories burned than MFP does for circuit training but until I get a monitor I am just posting what MFP tells me it is.

    Feel free to add me.