BodyMedia FIT LINK Armband - is it worth it?



  • TriciaMcLink
    TriciaMcLink Posts: 13 Member
    Nice guns! (: Thanks for the help! Congrats on 100 pounds lost. You're a rockstar.
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    So how does it calculate your burn? Is it a HRM too?
  • TriciaMcLink
    TriciaMcLink Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you again everyone! I think I might take the plunge now that I know it's NOT annoying on your arm. AND that it motivates you. I am really competitive with myself so I like having a little workout "game".
  • Slamdunkpro
    Slamdunkpro Posts: 88 Member
    Another Bodymedia fan here. I've had mine since December and it's really helped me stay on track. I've only had a couple of small issues: If you have big arms the band that comes with it is a little tight so you have to pony up for a large band.

    I've noticed that if I wear it in the same place on my arm it can get a little irritated at the spot, but I just move mine up and down my arm so that it's not in exactly the same spot every day.

    If you get the link at Costco you get 12 free months instead of 3.
  • chadgard
    chadgard Posts: 102 Member
    So how does it calculate your burn? Is it a HRM too?

    It's not a HRM. But it does have 3 accelerometers, and can sense galvanic skin response, ambient temperature, and skin temperature. So, if it's cold outside, your skin is hot and sweaty, and you're moving a lot, it can calculate how hard you're working. It's metabolism unit is the MET (Metabolic Equivalence of Task), where 1 MET is basically you lying in bed not moving and not digesting any food, just breathing and heart beating. It calculates the actual calorie burn based on your weight, height, etc. It's really the software behind the scenes that does all the cool stuff - the band itself just records basic data.

    It has been quite accurate for me, at least based on it's net calories for the week vs. my weight change for the week (using 7-day average weight each week, to smooth out daily fluctuations) - as in within .2 pounds of the weight change you'd expect for the net calories. And I imagine most of that is accounted for in my approximations of food when eating at the dining hall at work or in restaurants (we several very good restaurants in our little town, but no chain restaurants, so no online menus with nutrition info).
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    So how does it calculate your burn? Is it a HRM too?

    It's not a HRM. But it does have 3 accelerometers, and can sense galvanic skin response, ambient temperature, and skin temperature. So, if it's cold outside, your skin is hot and sweaty, and you're moving a lot, it can calculate how hard you're working. It's metabolism unit is the MET (Metabolic Equivalence of Task), where 1 MET is basically you lying in bed not moving and not digesting any food, just breathing and heart beating. It calculates the actual calorie burn based on your weight, height, etc. It's really the software behind the scenes that does all the cool stuff - the band itself just records basic data.

    Perfect explanation! Thanks!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    bump as I am kind of interested in this as well...
  • jvnoonway
    jvnoonway Posts: 24
    LOVE my body media!
    It is not uncomfortable once you find the sweet spot, I have lots of extra skin under my arms, that is still a bit fatty, so I had to find a good spot that was not rubbing, but keep moving it around. You also do not need to wear it tight at all. The ltitle plates stick to your skin and holds it in place well, so you do not have to keep the arm band tight.
    I have only had it a few weeks now, but it has been SO HELPFUL.
    MFP tells me I am only alloted 1200 cals a day and did not tell me how many of the burn cals I SHOULD eat. but BMF tells me all I need to know AND I get to eat 2000 cals a day!! I was on a month or so Plateau, and this REALLY helped pull me out.
    DO IT!
  • sjhalida
    sjhalida Posts: 15
    LOVE my body media!
    It is not uncomfortable once you find the sweet spot, I have lots of extra skin under my arms, that is still a bit fatty, so I had to find a good spot that was not rubbing, but keep moving it around. You also do not need to wear it tight at all. The ltitle plates stick to your skin and holds it in place well, so you do not have to keep the arm band tight.

    I have been thinking about getting this also and I see you mention your arms have extra skin and are a bit fatty. That is my main concern right now is if the band would fit on my arm, Is it kind of elasticy? Do you think it would fit on someone with rather big arms?

  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    It's well designed- its adjustable with Velcro to keep it in place- very secure.
    This is from the website

    Advantage/ link
    Small strap fits arms with a circumference of 6.5"- 10"
    Medium strap fits arms with a circumference of 8"- 15"
    Large strap fits arms with a circumference of 12"- 24

    Fashion Armband Strap
    for CORE Armband

    Small strap fits arms with a circumference of 6.5"- 10.5"
    Medium strap fits arms with a circumference of 9"- 15"
    Large strap fits arms with a circumference of 13"- 24"
    Available in grey and blue.
  • sjhalida
    sjhalida Posts: 15
    Thank you....I spent a lot of time looking at things like this last night and I can not believe I missed this on the web site! I feel kind of foolish but thank you very much for the information!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thank you....I spent a lot of time looking at things like this last night and I can not believe I missed this on the web site! I feel kind of foolish but thank you very much for the information!
    No problem. It's in the shop showing where you can buy e tra armbands.
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I ordered my LINK through Costco today. Just a FYI for others considering the Costco deal, the website says this round ends March 17th. I'm feeling a little impatient waiting for it to get here though!!
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    I have had mine four years. Bodymedia Fit (was called Gowear Fit when I bought it) with a display watch. I want to upgrade sometime and get the one that syncs with the phone, but for now this is fine.

    I LOVE it. Gives you awesome info, you can even tell your sleep efficiency. It gives an accurate, great read on most activities. (only one that seems wonky to me is bike riding, but whatever).
  • Psycht12
    Psycht12 Posts: 6 Member
    I love mine. Have had it for several weeks and it is addicting. I thought it would bother me on my arm but it has not. I take it off only to shower :-) Costco has a pretty good deal going on right now where you can get the Link and a year's subscription for 120.00. I think it generally comes with only a 3 month subscription when you buy it elsewhere.™-LINK-Armband.product.11680102.html?catalogId=10701&keyword=bodymedia&langId=-1&storeId=10301
  • Slamdunkpro
    Slamdunkpro Posts: 88 Member
    I have had mine four years. Bodymedia Fit (was called Gowear Fit when I bought it) with a display watch. I want to upgrade sometime and get the one that syncs with the phone, but for now this is fine.

    I LOVE it. Gives you awesome info, you can even tell your sleep efficiency. It gives an accurate, great read on most activities. (only one that seems wonky to me is bike riding, but whatever).

    The Link doesn't handle bike riding very well either. You get a more accurate read biking if you wear it on your calf.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    YES! I love mine. Finally the scale is moving again.
  • cebiginalaska
    cebiginalaska Posts: 280 Member
    Is BodyMedia Fit worth it if you live a sedentary lifestyle (besides trying to workout at home)?
    I am unemployed right now and losing weight with a TDEE deficient.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Yes, I think it is. You will be able to see the difference between a sedentary day and an active day and it will motivate you to move more.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    I love mine and have it for years. My doctor loves all the data it provides.

    They just came out with yearly subscriptions or you can pay $6.95 a month. I looked up the Core 2 that they are going to release but I would not wait for that. Seems that when a new product comes out, takes a while to work out the bugs.