Sometimes I wonder if I'm too honest in my diary (or greedy)



  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    One of my friends once told me she loved reading my diary because I got the most food out of my calories. And usually I do..I try to stick to low calorie stuff so I can eat more.

    I think your diary looks fine. And FYI, there's a recipe builder on here. Not sure if you knew that, but I use it ALL the time for my meals. It's great!
  • tyrannosarousREX
    who cares what others eat. If you looked at my diary you'd see I'm way under my calories everyday. But that is just because I'm so busy half the time I don't even realize that I'm hungry. I do a lot of snacking on small things which makes me skip meals. but I eventually make up for all the calories I miss. if I drink I add it in. But i've noticed a lot of people don't add their alcohol in either.
  • chergarr73
    chergarr73 Posts: 59 Member
    Honestly, If I look at a friends diary and they are eating less than 1200 calories, OR if they only have like 2 items listed for a meal, I tend to think they are stupid or lying. ;-) We eat different stuff but your diary looks a lot like mine. I often think it looks like I'm a total pig, but i even list onion powder and black pepper when I log. No worries! Just keep up the good work and keep logging honestly. Because if you don't the only person you're cheating is YOU!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Just read some of the comments about how I log the components of a meal as opposed to THE meal.

    Reason I do this is so I have accurate figures for fat, protein, carbs etc so I can see the overall balance as opposed to just calories. This is actually a lot easier to do than it sounds!

    Feeling better already - I just thought it looked a lot. That's what you guys are here for - TO STATE THE BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS! Doh!

    Oh and I only look at diaries for meal ideas!

    You may find the recipe builder helpful - you can add all the individual componenets of the meal, and then it is saved for future use.

    So, my diary might only show Chiili, as an example, but it will still record the calories, fats, proteins etc in teh whole meal, as all the compnents were added as part of the recipe.

    And if you make the same meal again, but you change one element, let's say you just add peppers, you can simply amend the recipe, you don't have to re-input everything from scratch every time.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    I don't log alcohol...Because I don't drink.

    Not everyone eats or drinks the same thing!
  • Katrinadionne1808
    Comments are all great.

    Yeah I saw the recipe builder and every now and again I use it but I mainly use the app on my phone so it's not as easy to do that way. However I also mix my meals up a little - my lasagnes are never the same from one to the next! That is why I prefer to log individual ingredients - this mainly happened after I discosved a jar sauce had over a 100 calories more per serving than another brand. To me this is how you can underestimate just how much you are consuming.

    Oh and junk food does feature :-) But I try make sure I hit the gym first in order to be allowed that food!

    Wine during the week I struggle to give up, I work full time, have kids and am studying for a diploma so last night was one of those days where I had 2 glasses and will most likely have a few more before the end of the week!

    I'm not complaining about other diaries - I guess that it has been highlighted how i log components as opposed to a recipe / meal this is why my diary looks bigger than most!
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    Just read some of the comments about how I log the components of a meal as opposed to THE meal.

    Reason I do this is so I have accurate figures for fat, protein, carbs etc so I can see the overall balance as opposed to just calories. This is actually a lot easier to do than it sounds!

    The recipe tool gives you all those figures too. It just takes the NI from all the components of the recipe and calculates them together.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I think that you are logging perfectly!
  • AmberLee2012
    I log everything too! Some days are much better than others but if I can't be honest with my diary, I'm never going to lose the weight I want to. I do look at peoples' diaries here and there and I just worry about the people who are eating next to nothing. I had a 19-year-old girl on my friend's list and all she had for the entire day was some yogurt. I said something out of concern and she removed me from her friend's list. Normally I don't leave feedback on peoples' diaries because everyone has a different way of getting to their goal. I do like to peek to see what people are cooking for dinner to get some ideas though.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I track it all. You won't see a lot of alcohol there because I don't drink very often, not because I don't log it. It would just seem silly not to log it because the goal is to lose weight (at least for me anyway), so if I'm not honest, all it's going to do is hinder my weight lost.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I typically track every item also so my logs can get pretty long! Like others have said though, all you can worry about is you. Do what makes you comfortable and however is going to work for you to keep at it.
  • sarahaldinger
    sarahaldinger Posts: 74 Member
    My diary always looks like way more than what other people to eat (have a look-see!).
    Just focus on what you're doing and if it's working, perfect!
  • Katrinadionne1808
    My diary always looks like way more than what other people to eat (have a look-see!).
    Just focus on what you're doing and if it's working, perfect!

    love this and I thought my diary was long! Think I'm gonna try some protein powders - have been adding weights into my workouts so gonna give it a go!
  • 24redwine
    24redwine Posts: 43
    I log my wine, and I have a glass of wine a few nights per week. I work out most days and in a sense I "earn" the wine calories. However, if I have more than a glass or two, it's clear I won't have enough calories for a reasonable amount food, which isn't good from a nutritional and hunger standpoint. MFP system holds me accountable! When I had a special event about a month ago where I knew I would have more food and wine calories than usual, I planned ahead and did a double workout that day.
  • LouiseH238
    LouiseH238 Posts: 199 Member
    I do what you do for most things - just add individual components of meals. I do have a couple of recipes but that's only where things are very simple. I like seeing the ingredients in my list because then I can see the five servings of vegetables, etc.
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    However I also mix my meals up a little - my lasagnes are never the same from one to the next! That is why I prefer to log individual ingredients -

    That's why I mostly log individual ingredients too. Go ahead and look at my diary if you want. I usually eat over 2000 with my exercise calories. I don't drink that's why you won't see any alcohol, but I do eat sweets and junk food I just usually build my day around an indulgence if I'm having it. Though the caramels last night were an unintended spur of the moment splurge.
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I log everything good or bad. If I binge I've still got to be honest about it. Otherwise I'll be in denial by lying to myself. That isn't helping me at all.
  • smilingirisheyes
    smilingirisheyes Posts: 149 Member
    I log individual components too, so it ends up looking like I ate a grocery list for lunch! Thats okay.
  • sarahaldinger
    sarahaldinger Posts: 74 Member
    I log individual components too, so it ends up looking like I ate a grocery list for lunch! Thats okay.

    Haha. Same!!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i create recipes and log that. unlike most i don't record every morsel or drink that i put in my mouth. while i may be sabotaging myself because i'm not dropping the weight fast enough for me it's coming off at the right speed. i want to live a healthy life not be chained to my food diary. if i eat a salad of baby spinach, tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar i'm not going to measure out the tomatoes and the spinach but i'll measure the olive oil. if it looks like more than a cup then i just put 2 cups. HOWEVER if i eat 3 girl scout cookies i add 3 girl scout cookies.