Staying Disciplined When You Start to See Results



  • BreakOnThru
    BreakOnThru Posts: 66 Member
    I suffer from the same affliction! What sometimes works is, I make a promise to stay on track for one more week and then allow a treat. Of course, this was back when I was actually dedicated to losing weight and looking after myself!

    Yup, kinda like a 12-step program--one day at a time, one week at a time. Thanks!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I stick with it because I know what happens when I don't. I like the way I look now. If I want to stay looking this way, I have to pay attention to what I put in my mouth. I need to keep exercising. I eat what I want, I just try to keep it in moderation and I refuse to allow one or two "bad" days derail me. If I want to go back to clothing that's 3-4 sizes bigger than what I wear now, be unhappy with my appearance, etc, then I can stop working out and stop eating in moderation. I know how I got there and I know how I got here... I like it here far better.
  • BreakOnThru
    BreakOnThru Posts: 66 Member
    I user those results to double up my resolve: if I want to keep seeing results, I need to keep up the good habits!

    When you see the results, sit down and write out five choices that got you where you are. Did you skip the chips entirely with your burrito? Have an apple, instead of dessert?

    Excellent idea. I can think of two things I managed to do right this week: I ordered guacamole but asked for it WITHOUT chips Telling myself I'm going to take a couple and toss the rest rarely works. And when I was craving something chocolatey the other night, I made a chocolate-banana protein shake. I think you're right--we definitely need to remember the good choices we make every day! That's motivation.
  • BreakOnThru
    BreakOnThru Posts: 66 Member
    I stick with it because I know what happens when I don't. I like the way I look now. If I want to stay looking this way, I have to pay attention to what I put in my mouth. I need to keep exercising. I eat what I want, I just try to keep it in moderation and I refuse to allow one or two "bad" days derail me. If I want to go back to clothing that's 3-4 sizes bigger than what I wear now, be unhappy with my appearance, etc, then I can stop working out and stop eating in moderation. I know how I got there and I know how I got here... I like it here far better.

    True. :)
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Yesterday for the first time in months, I looked in the mirror and was pretty happy with what I saw. Here's my problem: rather than stay motivated to keep going, I usually take this as a license to slack off a bit. So I'll say to myself, "Oh ok, I'm doing pretty well, so I'll allow myself x, y, and z." Or I'll eat a meal until I'm WAY full (feeling like I'm about to burst instead of stopping when I'm about 80 percent full). I might snack a little more than I should or grab too many tortilla chips with my burrito at lunch. Stuff like that messes me up. For me, you can see, it's mostly about food. I work out because I love working out, and because I'm grouchy when I don't.

    So how do you stay with it when you begin to see results? How do you keep going when you're on track to looking as fit as you want?

    I do the same. I think, yeayyy I lost such and such, or yeayyy i see definition in my arm... and just give myself a food treat. IDK how to stop it completely because I'm still battling it. But, I did put that sign on my fridge, "You're not a dog, stop treating yourself with food." Lolz. And, I also made a treat sheet for every 5 pounds I lose I get a non-food related reward. It's helping so far, cross my fingers it keeps me going til the end! :]
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I stick with it because I know what happens when I don't. I like the way I look now. If I want to stay looking this way, I have to pay attention to what I put in my mouth. I need to keep exercising. I eat what I want, I just try to keep it in moderation and I refuse to allow one or two "bad" days derail me. If I want to go back to clothing that's 3-4 sizes bigger than what I wear now, be unhappy with my appearance, etc, then I can stop working out and stop eating in moderation. I know how I got there and I know how I got here... I like it here far better.
    Oh, I also wanted to say that I've had to buy a bunch of new clothes, which wasn't cheap. I've made myself get rid of the larger clothes. This is helpful, for me at least, because who wants to go buy BIGGER clothes? I can go buy more of these SMALL clothes, but I have no desire to buy clothes in the larger sizes again. If they aren't there, I can't just slip back into wearing them if I should get bigger again. I will actually have to go purchase larger clothes. That's a pretty big motivator for me, especially since I'm *still* paying for the smaller clothes I had to buy! lol
  • KChesneyGal
    KChesneyGal Posts: 63 Member
    i do the exact same thing, this time i think im going to reward myself with things other then food, like a new shirt or a manicure depending on the goal i set and achieve
  • carmendave
    carmendave Posts: 18 Member
    I'm the same way. I've always sabotaged myself after I saw the scale moving. Looking in the mirror doesn't affect me as much. What I've done is stopped looking at the scale. My last weigh in on MFP was about a month ago. I know I have lost more from the way my clothes are fitting but I refuse to see the numbers. At least not now. Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm the opposite way. Yes, I've lost some waist and belly, but I still look like a whale, so there's no way I'm giving up now, lol.
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96
    When you see the results, sit down and write out five choices that got you where you are. Did you skip the chips entirely with your burrito? Have an apple, instead of dessert?

    Great advice!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I understand how you feel. I was doing really well but life got extremely stressful and I've kinda fallen off the wagon a bit. My eating's gone from one extreme to the other, either too little or too much and I haven't felt like exercising even when I've had the time.

    The way I am dealing with this is to keep logging everything I eat so that I stay accountable and hopefully manage to ride this bad time out without piling on the pounds again. I have noticed that I can't feel my tummy muscles so much now which encourages me to get back to getting fit as soon as I have the energy mentally.

    I also nose around these post a lot and it reminds me that I'm not the only one struggling to keep going. Support is key to success and so is (as others have said) setting yourself a new goal that will challenge you.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I think most of us go through this phase especially when getting closer to goals. Reminders on why I set such goals and reviewing old photos helps me. I never want to go back to being overweight and unhealthy but it happens so it's something I have to keep in check.

    When I get to this phase I know it's time to re-assess my goals and set new ones if necessary.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I am currently experiencing this problem. I like the idea of before pictures and non-food treats. Thank you guys so much!
  • amye004
    amye004 Posts: 32
    You have to retrain yourself to think differently at those results because you are slipping into old habits by using the new ones to justify them. Treat yourself to something not food related, or if you are going to have a food treat make sure to log everything and portion those treats/fit them into your day so you can keep yourself accountable.

    I try and think about the food treats before I eat them (do you NEED to eat it, will it fit into your day,etc are some of the questions that guage whether or not I eat it), and if I eat first, think later then I make sure that I do not go over my intake for the day to compinsate. This lead to me a couple of weeks ago, walking the dog in the pouring rain for half an hour to make sure I balanced (the dog loved the rain, me...not so much). Punishment? Absolutely, but it taught me a lesson and made me realize how important it was to myself not to go over the points for things like treats (I went over the day before and didn't want to do it twice). Have I mindlessly grabbed a treat since? Nope. It keep me accountable for the old habits that I am now trying to break. (Side note, if I think about the treat and decide that I want it, I will eat it.)

    I know I have a way to go which helps keep me on track. I like to visualize the bathing suit I am going to wear when I get to my goal as motivation to keep going! Find something to motivate you to keep working and good luck!
  • kdcshesback
    kdcshesback Posts: 47 Member
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I am notorious for this. I lose and gain the same weight over and over and over. Decided to sign up for a 10K race so I will continue to train. After that is done, I'm going to find something else. As others have said.. Make a new plan, set a new goal. Get excited about what you will do next. Also love the idea of writing down things that got you where you are. Also one thing I read from somewhere: Write down how you feel after a workout. Now write down how you feel when you've skipped a workout. Compare the two.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    I have such a hard time with this. As soon as my abs pop out I am so excited and then I end up eating non stop. I already eat my max calories 2100+ so there is no room for this kind of behaviour!
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member
    I look at my "before" pictures and that quickly discourages me from slacking off. I also treat my self with clothes, or mani/pedi, etc rather than food. This next part might sound mean but it helps keep my on track: I'm/[you are] not a dog, so I/[you] don't need food as a treat for doing a good job.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    I look at my "before" pictures and that quickly discourages me from slacking off. I also treat my self with clothes, or mani/pedi, etc rather than food. This next part might sound mean but it helps keep my on track: I'm/[you are] not a dog, so I/[you] don't need food as a treat for doing a good job.

    you should always treat yourself for doing a good job....just try not to continuously treat yourself over and over and over...and over...
  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    I actually find seeing results makes me push myself harder!