So confused

julieavance Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am doing what i am suppose to be doing working out and eating smaller portions and well how often am I suppose to weigh myself because I have been doing it for almost 2 weeks I think and I have gained 2 pounds!!! Is this normal! Im confused please advise someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THanks!:noway:


  • I feel the same way. I've increased my exercise from 1 day doing 2 hours of exercise to adding 3 more days of exercise at about 45 min to an 1 hour each of those days. I've given up my nightly ice cream, bacon, potatoes, white bread (substituted whole grain bread), etc..... And not really losing much at all. My instructor says I really need to watch nutrition - make sure you are hitting your protein goals - not just the calories. She said that I'm basically working out like an athlete and my body has to make a decision to store the fat and burn the muscle if I'm not getting enough protein. This is sooooo confusing and frustrating. I know people that just cut out soda and pizza and lose all kinds of weight - not me!!
  • tplenzler
    tplenzler Posts: 1 Member
    Take your measurements!!! It may not be showing up on the scale yet, but if you are exercising more and eating less calories -- you ARE making a good difference. (As long as you are accurately recording your calories.)

    A change in your measurements will show up before it does on the scale. Keep the faith.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Make sure everything is filled out correctly for how many calories you should be getting based on your lifestyle. Many overestimate or underestimate their activity level

    Secondly, to start off with, choose one-two days out of the week to weigh yourself. Use the washroom, and weigh yourself before eating and drinking anything.

    For example, I weigh myself Tuesdays and Fridays to record my weight first thing in the morning.

    Weight fluctuates throughout the day depending on what you're eating, drinking, sweating, etc.
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    If you look around a bit, you'll see this same type of question/concern ALL over here! So, you're not alone. Everyone is different, and to get specific advice, we'd need specifics of your situation. But here are a few general things I've learned in my 4 months here:

    1. While exercise is very important and beneficial, nutrition is the key to weightloss.
    2. You actually may not be eating ENOUGH, believe it or not. It's a very controversial issue around here, but most regulars and long-time members will agree you have to eat the amount MFP gives you PLUS most or all of what you burn off in exercise. If you eat too few calories, your body will start hanging onto everything for dear life.
    3. You can actually gain a little weight when you start exercising. (Something about muscles storing extra something as they build...I'm certainly not an expert but I've read it many times.)

    Someone may chime in here that knows better than I do, but my advice above everything else is that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Educate yourself as much as possible, especially about nutrition. There is lots of good info here at MFP, here's a place to start:

    Good luck!
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    Make sure you are eating all of alloted calories for the day and at least 1/2 of your exercise calories. If you are not then your body may think it is starving.
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I had the same problem at first but my husband told me that the reason I may have gained some weight is because I'm starting to build my muscles from working out so much. After a bit though you will see the results..TRUST ME!
    And try not to weigh yourself as much if possible because you could end up getting frustrated.
    Good luck and stick with it girl :)
  • libra1721
    libra1721 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with lisa811, eating enough of the RIGHT foods is the most important thing about loosing weight. Also make sure that you are doing at least 30 minutes of cardio a day at the highest intensity level you can.
  • Thank you all for all input! This is a FANTASTIC SITE! To know that you can just post something and people going through the same thing or has already been through it! I appreciate all the advise and I will stick to it and hopefully in a month or so I will be back on here posting that I have hit that down hill where I am actually losing what I need to and doing the HAPPY DANCE!!!! Thanks again Everyone!
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