Controlling Sugar Intake

I started using MFP less than a week ago, and I already love it!

Overall, I'm doing well in controlling my calorie intake. I'm usually under my calorie goal (but not too much). However, I have noticed that I cannot, for the life of me, keep my sugar intake below the goal that MFP has set for me. Everything else is where it's supposed to be, but my sugar intake is through the roof.

I'm not going to lie, I have a sweet tooth. And that is an understatement. I won't eat sour, or spicy, or salty just as long as I can have that sweetness.

Does anyone else struggle with this? Or does anyone have any tips on how to work through it?


  • shelbydemeuse
    shelbydemeuse Posts: 10 Member
    I have this problem as well! Even if I don't have any sweets the entire day, I still end up being over on my sugar intake. But when I look at what I eat, the sugar usually comes from healthy, whole foods such as fruits and veggies. So as long as you aren't eating processed foods or desserts all day I would say being over your sugar isn't that bad.

    My mom has been on the Weight Watchers program for over a year now and on that program most fruits and veggies are 0 points. So they encourage eating a lot of fruit and veggies (even though there can be a higher amount of sugar). Sugar is in so much foods but as long as they are natural sugars and not added sugars, I would not worry about being over.
  • yaluru
    yaluru Posts: 1
    Yes, I am struggling with the MFP sugar numbers. I never am below or even around MFPs recommended value. I am doing very well with my calorie intake. Most of my sugar numbers come from natural products like fruits etc. I sometimes wonder if MFPs recommended value is correct?