


  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Hi there! I have never lifted yet, and I have two small kids at home and I can't take them to the gym so I won't be any time soon. Also, I appreciate all the lifters and how they try to get people psyched about it but some people might need to ease into that. Someone said something to the effect of 'Jillian DVD's won't help you lift your son'. I disagree. I am so much stronger than I was 6 months ago. I did 30DS, then Body Revolution, now rotate between No More Trouble Zones, Kickbox Fast Fix, Extreme Shed & killer Abs. I have Killer buns and thighs but haven't opened it yet because I am all good in those areas for now :) But I have such faith in Jillian that I would recommend that to you. ALl of her DVD's do basically the same things, blast your heart rate up really quick through 30 seconds cardio, do a crazy strength training type move for 30 seconds, repeat, lol. I love it becuase I can do anything for 30 seconds and then change. I'm not saying you will be able to dead lift 100 pounds but you WILL be more toned.

    Then, after getting your feet wet with something like that you could move on to something that would build more muscle and get you really toned up the way you want.

    Just my two cents, that's what these forums are for- eh?

    :) Good luck!

    That would have been me who said that. I was a Jillian minnion for years. Her 5-10 pound weight routine will not have the OP, who weighs 116 pounds, making significant enough strength gains to be able to lift her son as he gets heavier.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member

    Since you have to do a lot of lifting for your son I would suggest having a professional teach you how to properly lift so you don't hurt yourself as well as helping you to gain muscle. Probably get you lifting heavier and heavier in some way so that you will be able to handle your son and you'll gain muscle in the process. Physical therapists are excellent with this sort of thing or even a professional weight trainer at the gym. I'm sure its not easy getting time for yourself with a special needs child to take care of but if you can get some time alone this would probably be ideal plus give you some "me" time you need and deserve.

    Ditto this!!

    I also think The New Rules of Lifting for Women is a good start too..... It's a book and there is a group here on MFP to help you.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Strong lifts 5x5. lift heavy.

    Or Starting Strength. :bigsmile:

    Or New RUles of Lifting for Women. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    +1 :bigsmile:
  • twinsmom7602
    twinsmom7602 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you all so much! I appreciate all the thoughts, comments, tips, etc.. :) I am so new to all of this "stuff" that I have become so very overwhelmed. I dieted( and by dieted I mean, I stuck to a 1200 calorie goal, and did cardio for 2 months) first to get to where I wanted to be, I am not "skinny fat" and don't hope to become that way. I have a booty and thighs on me, which I think could be hereditary looking at the women in my family, (ha ha). I am going to look into all of the suggestions. I know I need to build strength. I want to be able to put into the workout 100%, so I think I need to build the endurance first? I am so out of shape. I do work on the elliptical 3 times a week for 30 minutes to get my cardio in. I know it will be hard, and I know I can do it for my son. :) Btw, I am ok with the weight on the scale, I would be ok with the weight on the scale going up as long as I knew it was from the muscle I am gaining and not the fat. :)

    Thanks again everyone!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Try "The Butt Bible". It's toning only and you don't need a lot of equipment. It's on YouTube. The workouts are divided by upper body + abs and lower body. There are three levels for each. Of course, they get progressively more difficult, so start at level 1. :)

    This is a good one, and she encourages you to lift heavier. The only problem I saw with it is that she does the moves a little fast, so you would need to go at a pace that allows you to keep proper form. You need a sturdy chair for level 3 to step up on, and your butt is going to hate you. Each level is 2 weeks, Mon/Thurs - lower body, Tues/Fri - upper, Wed/Sat - cardio of your choice, and Sun - rest. I'm currently doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and have been adapting it to use at home with dumbbells. So far I like it. I read on their FB page that the new Supercharged book is even better, with more up-to-date info.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    If you want muscle tone you need to be lifting. Doing cardio will NOT do this.
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    Why do people wait until they've lost weight to start "toning"??

    Because they don't realise until they hit what they thought was their goal weight that their body doesn't look how they expected/hoped.

    I agree, I am one of those people. Also, it is a lifestyle change and there is A LOT of self learning involved. As we all know, there are many different opinions on what one should do to maximize their results. Personally, at the beginning of my journey, it was the general consensus to remove the extra body fat first, and then move on to bigger and better things.

    P.s. I love Jillian! The weight lifting in her program is not easy for me by any means. Of course, I have gotten used to some moves, but I just used heavier weights the next time and it was back to as hard as before! I am also doing Tracy Anderson now and I can feel the burn there too!
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    My favorite squat is squatting against a large medicine ball against the wall while holding out an 8lb ball. Works my butt like crazy. I've already noticed a lift in my rear after less than 2 weeks.

    This is what I need to lift my butt and work my inner thighs and over all thighs. Thanks
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Why do people wait until they've lost weight to start "toning"??

    Because they don't realise until they hit what they thought was their goal weight that their body doesn't look how they expected/hoped.

    This was me, too. I was exercising while I was losing, but women's mainstream fitness sources (magazines, tv segments) NEVER talk about heavy lifting. I was doing circuit training with 5 pound dumbbells and lots of body weight exercises, but it wasn't until I starting noticing the progress of women on here who lifted heavy that I thought, "Hey... that's pretty cool!"

    Overall, I was happy with my progress while losing and doing that circuit training. I sure as hell looked better than I did before. So when my backside was kind of flat and droopy, I just accepted it as a normal bottom for an about 40 year old woman.

    Then I started lifting, and the weights weren't the only thing that got lifted. :smile:

    Before picture is after losing weight, after is after gaining a few pounds and strength training.

  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    Toning doesn't exist. You either grow muscle or burn fat - tell me what would you be toning exactly?

    Simple lose more body fat whilst lifting weights or similar and you will 'tone' as you shed the fat and show the muscle you have off underneath.

    Ok here is me. I know the lady asked but I want some help to

    I want to tone Bally, thighs, and butt. I have fat on my hips, love handles, and tummy. I walk a lot out doors. I started extreme makeover weight loss the work out against today. But I would like to do more then just that once a day for the 15 minutes. It has 3 levels but I am gonna do level 1 for a week them move up. I guess what I would like to know what can I do for my second work out for the day? Thanks
  • twinsmom7602
    twinsmom7602 Posts: 55 Member
    Why do people wait until they've lost weight to start "toning"??

    Because they don't realise until they hit what they thought was their goal weight that their body doesn't look how they expected/hoped.

    This was me, too. I was exercising while I was losing, but women's mainstream fitness sources (magazines, tv segments) NEVER talk about heavy lifting. I was doing circuit training with 5 pound dumbbells and lots of body weight exercises, but it wasn't until I starting noticing the progress of women on here who lifted heavy that I thought, "Hey... that's pretty cool!"

    Overall, I was happy with my progress while losing and doing that circuit training. I sure as hell looked better than I did before. So when my backside was kind of flat and droopy, I just accepted it as a normal bottom for an about 40 year old woman.

    Then I started lifting, and the weights weren't the only thing that got lifted. :smile:

    Before picture is after losing weight, after is after gaining a few pounds and strength training.


    For some reason, I can't see your pics.. :(
  • assblaster69
    assblaster69 Posts: 47 Member
    what exactly is toning? everyone talks about it? is it same as building muscle? serious question
    do squats and deadlifts
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    My vote is also for New Rules of Lifting for Women. You're already thin and have lost enough weight, now time to build some muscles!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    what exactly is toning? everyone talks about it? is it same as building muscle? serious question
    do squats and deadlifts

    I think most people mean "tighter" and "developed". Tighter isn't affected by exercise, and developed means muscle building and low BF% so it's visible.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    what exactly is toning? everyone talks about it? is it same as building muscle? serious question
    do squats and deadlifts

    People use the word without knowing what it means. They have a picture of what "toned" mean but have no idea how to get from where they are to "toned."

    Toned just means moderate amounts of muscle with low, but not super low, body fat. If you're starting from high body fat and low muscle, you need to build muscle and reduce body fat.
  • twinsmom7602
    twinsmom7602 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you all for the help. I'm going to check out the Lifting for Women. Gonna get it on the Nook! I will letcha know how it goes.. :)

    I am DONE with the weight loss, it is time to build some muscles. Heck, I wanna look like Jamie Eason, ha ha. :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Thank you all for the help. I'm going to check out the Lifting for Women. Gonna get it on the Nook! I will letcha know how it goes.. :)

    I am DONE with the weight loss, it is time to build some muscles. Heck, I wanna look like Jamie Eason, ha ha. :)

    Jamie Eason has a workout program that's free at called the LiveFit trainer. It's a 12 week program but it's impossible to follow without a gym membership because the exercises they have you doing make use of a smith machine, squat rack, and bench.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I am DONE with the weight loss, it is time to build some muscles. Heck, I wanna look like Jamie Eason, ha ha. :)

    DO IT! :) Kick some butt
  • twinsmom7602
    twinsmom7602 Posts: 55 Member
    I am DONE with the weight loss, it is time to build some muscles. Heck, I wanna look like Jamie Eason, ha ha. :)

    DO IT! :) Kick some butt

    Almost done with NRFLFW. :)

    I am ready to start!

    April 1st, this body starts to get BUFF!

    THANKS for the encouragement!