Im 260 lbs how much cardio?



  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Building muscle takes A LOT of work. It doesn't happen on accident. Especially on such a huge deficit. Why not set MFP to 2 lbs lost per week, eat that number of calories, log your cardio (be it 0 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes), then eat those calories? I like doing 3 days of strength and 2 days of cardio.
  • FitNewEm
    FitNewEm Posts: 12 Member
    You would feel so much better and lose those pounds if you eat more.
    Lower your carbs and fat. Increase your protein.
    Eat 5 or 6 times a day. All your calories in 2 or 3 meals doesn't rev your metabolism.
    I know, I was skeptical too!
    And they are right, women just won't get that "man" muscle, unless you take steroids or testosterone.
    Just give it a try, you'll see results and be ready for any cardio that comes your way!
  • Figs318
    Figs318 Posts: 67 Member
    Haha, fat womens' fear of becoming muscular is just too ridiculous.

    I usually dont post anything but i saw this and became infuriated! How dare you call someone "fat". Who the hell are you to judge if someone is fat or not, im sorry do you have the perfect body? Pretty sure you dont! If you are not going to give some helpful advice why even bother typing anything at all? Ignorant trolls like you make me laugh!!
  • achantee
    achantee Posts: 18 Member
    You have to encorporate strength training and eat no less than 1200 calories or you will be eating away at your muscle, and that in turn eats away at your metabolism, which is what makes your body burn fat and calories. You need to be eating more quality food (lean proteins, veggies, and whole grains). Do strength training and at least 30 min of cardio 3-4 times a week. And if you are 260lbs, you won't get "muscley" by encorporating strength training. That takes a lot of long-term dedication with your workouts and diet. Good luck either way!

    Read this article:

    "Lifting weights gives you a metabolic spike for an hour after a workout because your body is trying hard to help your muscles recover. That means you'll fry an additional 25 percent of the calories you just scorched during your strength session, Westcott says. "So if you burned 200 calories lifting weights, it's really closer to 250 overall." And if you lift heavier weights or rest no more than 30 seconds between sets, you can annihilate even more.

    And there's more good news when it comes to iron's fat-socking power. "For every 3 pounds of muscle you build, you'll burn an extra 120 calories a day -- just vegging -- because muscle takes more energy to sustain," Westcott says. Over the course of a year, that's about 10 pounds of fat -- without even changing your diet. Yes, please."
  • cjowell
    cjowell Posts: 41 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is saying. I was at 281(beg of December) and now down to 263 (Mid March), and I have been successfully losing 1.5-2 pounds a week. I eat 1530 calories a day, and do at least 45 minutes of cardio a day/5 times a week. I do strength training 2 times a week (mainly because I hate it :smile: ) but would like to up it.

    I found out that my workouts are better when I am eating my calories. I eat almonds 30 minutes before every workout.I have more energy for my workouts and I push harder during my workouts. I can tell during my workouts when I am not eating enough or not the right things. I log everything that I eat, the only thing I don't log are my vitamins and water (though I know I should).

    You can do this! Good luck!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    What is your height, age, weight and how much do you move about in terms of fitness etc?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You, you definitely need to eat more than that, in order to give your body what it needs too sustain itself.

    As for cardio, it depends. I recommend doing enough so that it's challenging, but not pushing yourself so much that you are risking injury. For me, that's between 45-60 mins on the elliptical. You may be able to do more or less. Track your comfort and pain levels and see how you do.

    Oh, and eat back at least some of the calories you burn by exercising...again, giving your body what it needs to sustain itself.

    MFP should give you a calorie goal if you enter your stats and how much you want to'll probably give you 1200 if you say you want to lose 2 lbs a week, but that's commonly reported to not be enough. I just upped my calories to 1800, and, even though I don't manage to eat that many every day, I have been much more successful in losing weight than when I was restricting to 1300.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I started at 274 lbs, I'm familiar with all of the stupid excuses people give themselves so that they won't have to try. Oh no loose skin. Bwaahhh muscles. Boo hoo my big ~bulky calves~
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    *face palm*
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I was 260.8 in Dec 2012. I am eating 1500-1800 calories a day and losing about a pound a week. I am using ChaLean Extreme and have become much more compact and am building long lost muscle. Muscle burns fat. Lift some weights and eat!!
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    Haha, fat womens' fear of becoming muscular is just too ridiculous.

    I usually dont post anything but i saw this and became infuriated! How dare you call someone "fat". Who the hell are you to judge if someone is fat or not, im sorry to you have the perfect body? Pretty sure you dont! If you are not going to give some helpful advice why even bother typing anything at all? Ignorant trolls like you make me laugh!!
    obese woman's fear of becoming muscular is just to ridiculous.

  • BookwomanTerri
    I started just above 260. I do about 45 mins of cardio a day. I also have MFP set to lose one pound a week and it has me eating 1770 calories. I also eat back about 2/3 of my exercise calories. I am losing about 2lbs/week so far on average. I think you should use MFP or other tools mentioned here to re-look at your calorie level and then work towards 30+ minutes a day or cardio. I haven't starting lifting yet but plan to and you may want to look into that as well.

    Good luck!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Haha, fat womens' fear of becoming muscular is just too ridiculous.

    I usually dont post anything but i saw this and became infuriated! How dare you call someone "fat". Who the hell are you to judge if someone is fat or not, im sorry do you have the perfect body? Pretty sure you dont! If you are not going to give some helpful advice why even bother typing anything at all? Ignorant trolls like you make me laugh!!

    The original comment was a little unhelpful.

    However I also think that you place way to big an emphasis on the word "fat". Fat's not a bad word.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    first, i'd get checked out by a doctor. make sure you don't have any heart or joint issues and then start off at 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week and work up from there.

    at least that's what i recommend.
  • Jamie430
    Jamie430 Posts: 8 Member
    Like most said, 1000 calories is not nearly enough, especially at your weight. Plus, adding in cardio, you definitely will have trouble losing weight. Your body is going to be starving. I didn't initially eat back the calories I burned exercising, but once I started doing that, I started losing more consistently. It seems weird to eat more to lose weight, but it really is much better for your body.
  • DarkDiva2005
    Haha, fat womens' fear of becoming muscular is just too ridiculous.

    I usually dont post anything but i saw this and became infuriated! How dare you call someone "fat". Who the hell are you to judge if someone is fat or not, im sorry to you have the perfect body? Pretty sure you dont! If you are not going to give some helpful advice why even bother typing anything at all? Ignorant trolls like you make me laugh!!
    obese woman's fear of becoming muscular is just to ridiculous.


    I agree, there is no need for any type of language that could not encourage people. We are all here for support and help. As shown you did not have to be nasty with what you said. And as for people's "stupid excuses" some people just don't understand it all yet. I know I didn't when I started, you have forgotten what is was like at the beginning of your journey and are now taking it out on people who are starting theirs.
  • OCMarkW
    OCMarkW Posts: 2
    First, forget worrying about muscles. Your frame already has the muscles to support your weight and BMI of 35.7. The muscles are going to help you work out and burn fat. Whatever workout you do, cardio or strength, the fat is going to go way before the muscles appear.

    1000 calorie goal is low. BUT, I have found that the App on my phone, goals and progress work better when I set my calorie goal to 1000. That said, the majority of the time I'm over the daily calorie goal. Your fat is "lower hanging fruit" - easier to lose.

    Most important, you need to workout more. 20 minutes is not going to make it. I help people find a workout all the time. The BEST workout I've found that keeps folks on track is a hike loop on a trail with a very steep 1,500 foot gain / loss (it is Aliso Woods / Laguna Top of the World trail) . It takes 2 hours when they start and 1.5 after 2 weeks, then 1.2 once they start to shape up. It is the same as an elliptical, except the best part is there is NO short cuts, you have to finish the loop (and no there are no skeletons along the trail). I suggest you find something similar. Do not run - the pounding on your legs and joints is not good.

    Good luck.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    but surely if your eating more then how do you lose?
    Your body wants to live: to breathe, to have a pulse, to maintain body temperature, etc. It needs to take in energy to do this. It needs more of this energy to perform exercise.

    It's not about eating less less less; loss is about finding a *balance* between how many calories you need on an average day and a safe deficit to burn off excess. Here's link that may help you:

    Good luck.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    rule of thumb if you are eating 1000cals you need to burn 1000 cals that should be about 180 mins on a treadmill or elliptical

    Please don't listen to this! I certainly hope this guy was misreading something and not actually suggesting to anyone that a net calorie goal of zero is what you want.

    I would say the same as the do need to increase your calories. Cardio and eating at a deficit are not going to create muscles. I would suggest 60 minutes 4 times a week and add in some strength training, but that is just me.

    Good luck!
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    but surely if your eating more then how do you lose?

    You must be new here......